• time-of-use pricing system 分时计价

    17-05-07 Didi Chuxing has launched a time-of-use pricing system in Beijing to encourage people to shift their travel from peak to off-peak periods. 滴滴出行在北京推出分时计价系统,鼓励人们错峰出行。 滴滴出行提供常规的出租车叫车服务(taxi-hailing service),...

  • dronejacking 无人机劫持

    17-03-31 Dronejacking is the hijacking of a drone, either by physically capturing the device or by compromising its navigation system. 无人机劫持指的是劫持一架无人机,通过物理手段捕获或者通过入侵导航系统实现。 In 2016, drone technology entered the mainstream...

  • birth registration service system 生育登记服务制度

    16-03-16 The new birth registration service system is regarded as a significant change in China's family planning policy after the abolition of the one-child policy that had lasted for more than three decades in China. 新的生育登记服务制度被认为是取消实施了3...

  • points-based hukou system 积分落户制度

    16-02-27 Beijing authorities released two draft regulations on a points-based hukou (household registration) system and residency permit on Thursday to solicit public opinions. 12月10日,北京市政府公布了积分落户制度和居住证管理办法草案,公开征求社会意见。 积...

  • global governance system 全球治理体制

    16-01-29 At a recent meeting of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, top leader Xi Jinping said that China needs to seize the opportunities and cope with the challenges in order to build a fairer global governance system ....

  • 中国将于2020年前建立全面的审计体系

    15-12-09 China is planning to establish a full-coverage audit system by 2020. 中国计划于2020年前建立一套全面覆盖的审计体系。 The system will fully cover public funds, state assets, state-owned resources, and the economic responsibilities of government offici...

  • reincarnation system 转世制度

    15-09-24 Beijing 'has undeniable endorsement right on the reincarnation system ', document says. 西藏白皮书指出,中央对活佛转世制度有无法否定的认定权。 转世制度用reincarnation system表示,即活佛转世制度(reincarnation system of living Buddhas),是藏传佛教解...

  • hierarchical medical system 分级诊疗制度

    15-09-24 China will set up a hierarchical medical system to improve services at county- and township-level health centers, especially in less-developed areas. 我国将建立分级诊疗制度,以改善县郡级,特别是不发达地区卫生中心的服务水平。 会议确定的具体措施还包括...

  • 中国房地产信息系统将于2015年底试运行

    15-09-06 China's online real estate information platform system will start pilot operation by the end of 2015. 中国房地产在线信息化平台系统将于2015年底试运行。 According to the Ministry of Land and Resources, local governments are required to carry out real...

  • 气体巨星的形成之谜

    15-08-21 Queen's University researcher Martin Duncan has co-authored a study that solves the mystery of how gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn formed in the early solar system. In a paper published this week in the journal Nature, Dr. Duncan, along with c...