• motion system 提案制

    13-08-21 Delegates to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China have hailed a proposal in President Hu Jintao's report to introduce a motion system that enables Party delegates to collectively put forward their opinions and suggestions - lik...

  • 英国IT公司研发人脸识别技术

    13-07-28 The technology ensures that staff members can offer a more personalized service - and don't unwittingly miss out on potentially lucrative sales - by flagging up famous or wealthy big spenders. 日前一家英国IT公司声称研发出一项贵宾身份识别技术,能够通...

  • 城市是一种新的复合体系

    13-06-21 Cities have long been likened to organisms, ant colonies, and river networks. But these and other analogies fail to capture the essence of how cities really function. New research by Santa Fe Institute Professor Luis Bettencourt suggests a city is s...

  • 高铁相关词汇

    13-03-19 business class 商务座 speed cut 减速 test period 测试期间 technical reliability 技术可靠性 dual-speed system 双速制 run chart 运行图 trial operation/run 试运行 intercity high-speed rail 城际高铁 dedicated rail link 铁路专线 non-stop train 直达列车 s...

  • re-education through labor 劳教

    13-03-18 Prominent lawyers are joining those now calling on China to reform its controversial laojiao system, or re-education through labor system, which allows suspects to be sentenced to forced labor without first undergoing a trial. 知名律师加入声讨大军,...

  • 沃尔沃推出自行车探测系统

    13-03-07 Volvo has announced it is releasing a cyclist detection facility which should prevent fatal accidents. 沃尔沃将发布一套自行车探测设备,该设备可以避免死亡事故的发生。 Volvo's system can handle multiple pedestrians and cyclists at the same time The au...

  • 西班牙某机构设计出智能住宅

    13-03-01 For internet addicts, it could be the ultimate way to stay in touch - an entire apartment turned into a giant, online screen. 对于网虫族而言,足不出户又能保持跟外界联系的最高境界就是住在一间巨大的、由在线屏幕组成的智能住宅里。 One of the prototype a...

  • color-coded warning system 颜色预警系统

    13-02-18 Beijing Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources and Beijing Meteorological Bureau jointly issued the yellow alert for possible geological disasters of mud-slides, cave-in and landslip in mountainous areas in the districts of Fangshan, Mentougou, Huai...

  • 太阳系的诞生记录

    12-11-05 Some 4.567 billion years ago, our solar system's planets spawned from an expansive disc of gas and dust rotating around the sun. While similar processes are witnessed in younger solar systems throughout the Milky Way, the formative stages of our own...

  • 天文学家发现距离地球最近的星系行星

    12-10-19 European astronomers have discovered a planet with about the mass of Earth orbiting a star in the Alpha Centauri system -- the nearest to Earth. It is also the lightest exoplanet(外星行星) ever discovered around a star like the Sun. The planet was...