• 胎儿的免疫系统与其母亲完全不同

    10-12-17 UCSF researchers have shown for the first time that the human fetal(胎儿的) immune system arises from an entirely different source than the adult immune system, and is more likely to tolerate than fight foreign substances in its environment. The f...

  • 自我修复材料即将问世

    10-12-08 You've seen it in movies: the human-like, robot assassin(刺客) quickly regenerates its structure after being damaged beyond recognition. This Terminator scenario is becoming less far-fetched as recent advances in structural health monitoring syste...

  • 神经脉冲传输的细胞基础

    10-11-03 NJIT Associate Professor Victor Matveev, PhD, in the department of mathematical sciences, was part of a research team that published N-type Ca2+ channels carry the largest current: Implications for nanodomains and transmitter(发射机) release, in N...

  • 奥巴马演讲 这就是需要做的工作1

    10-10-18 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. I just had a meeting with Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, and governors like Ed Rendell, mayors like Antonio Villaraigosa, and economists and engineers from across the...

  • 超级计算机模拟生命起源

    10-10-05 Supercomputer simulations(模拟,仿真) at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory are helping scientists unravel(解决) how nucleic acids(核酸 ) could have contributed to the origins of life. A research team led by Jeremy Smith,...

  • 电子医疗记录可提高保健质量降低成本

    10-08-27 Transforming the U.S. health care system from paper-based to electronic-based may improve health care quality and reduce costs, but a new study by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) suggests that goal is far off. The adoptio...

  • 奥巴马演讲 俄亥俄州民宅谈经济6

    10-08-23 Q Mr. President, tied in with the jobs situation I think is the education system. And it seems to be in a crisis now, and people are not being educated to take these jobs that are going to be created. And I wondered what sort of plans you might have...

  • 比利时提出尸体处理新举措

    10-07-11 比利时殡葬业人士最近提出一项尸体处理的新举措,建议将尸体放在腐蚀性溶液中溶解,然后将其冲入污水处理系统,再经净水厂处理后可回收利用。他们认为这样的处理方式跟火化或墓葬比起来既省钱又环保。这一建议一经提出便引起广泛争议,有反对人士指出这种做法对逝者太...

  • 哈佛研究人员发明更好的食物过敏检测法

    10-05-24 About 30 percent of Americans believe they have food allergies(食物过敏) . However, the actual number is far smaller, closer to 5 percent, according to a recent study commissioned by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID...

  • Win 7帮助微软盈利35%

    10-04-23 Microsoft saw its profits leap by 35% in the first three months of 2010 - as its Windows 7 operating system continued to prove popular. 2010年第一季度微软盈利高达35%,其Windows 7操作系统深受欢迎。 Microsoft launched Windows 7 in October last year Th...