13-08-30 近期发布的一份内部调查报告指出,牛津大学通过招收有钱的特别生来谋取商业利益的行为会有损学校的声誉。 Oxford University risks undermining its reputation by accepting wealthy foreign students with poor grades for purely commercial reasons, an internal r...
13-08-30 Hi, everybody. Over the past month, I've been visiting towns across America, talking about what our country needs to do to secure a better bargain for the middle class. This week, I met with high school and college students in New York and Pennsylva...
13-08-02 英国一家教会中学禁止女生穿裙子,称女生裙子太短,显得不淑女。该校也由此成为英国第一所禁止13岁以下女生穿裙子的学校。 A school is banning female students as young as nine from wearing skirts deeming them unladylike as they are too short. Walkwood Churc...
13-07-25 The Essay Brian Culhane I have asked my students once again to write on a theme. The subject is not the end of the summer, Though summer has once again ended and they are here. The subject is not even the throes(痛苦的挣扎) of adolescence, Or the...
13-07-11 It was the first day of class. Two of her new ESL classmates wanted to know where Tara was from. They were both from Iraq. Because Tara looked Iraqi, one of the women asked Tara, in English, if she was from Iraq. Tara replied, No, I'm not. Then the...
13-06-24 It was Christmas 1961. I was teaching in a small town in Ohio where my twenty-seven third graders eagerly anticipated the great day of gifts giving. A tree covered with tinsel and gaudy(俗丽的) paper chains graced one corner. In another rested a m...
13-06-16 Many students have difficulty understanding and explaining how evolution operates. In search of better ways to teach the subject, researchers at Michigan State University developed complete evolutionary case studies spanning the gamut(整个范围) fr...
13-06-11 President Barack Obama is convinced that if all schools worked more technology into their curriculum, they would also excel. That's why he announced on Thursday a new initiative (pdf) to bring high-speed Internet access to 99 percent of all of the c...
13-06-03 原文: 大多数学生瞧一下批的分数,就把卷子扔了,老师白改得头痛。那些学生虽然外国文不好,卷子上写的外国名字很神气。(钱钟书 - 《围城》 ) 译文: Most of the students took a look at their score, then threw away the assignment. The headache he had gotte...
13-06-02 Don't let low grades haunt(出没,作祟) your students. A new study in the Journal of Animal Science shows that performance in foundational biology courses is a strong predictor of performance in high-level animal science courses. In a study of 1,51...