• 《飞天小女警》将拍真人版

    21-03-20 最近越来越多的经典动漫作品被改编成真人版,尽管播出后的评分和口碑都不尽人意,却依然阻挡不了这股强劲的势头。 前有《猫和老鼠》,后有《Hello Kitty》,这不,《飞天小女警》(The Powerpuff Girls)也要开始真人版的制作了。据报道,《飞天小女警》真人版的三位主...

  • 来自外星的危险

    21-02-25 地球已经存在了 46 亿年,在此期间它经受了一些灾难性的事件,比如陨石冲击和气候的巨大改变。那么未来又会是怎样呢?系好安全带,让我们一起探讨那些来自外星际对地球可能会造成的危险。 What is the greatest threat to life on our planet? Is it climate change? S...

  • actually、virtually和practically的区别

    20-12-09 我们先来讲副词 actually 的用法。Actually 有三个用法,而 virtually 和 practically 却没有这三个用法。第一:副词 actually 表示 事实上,实际上,用来说明事情的真实情况。比如: Examples Sujun said he was friends with that film star, but they didnt actuall...

  • 研究人员发现2000光年以外的巨型新恒星

    20-11-21 研究人员们发现了一颗巨型恒星,其大气成分前所未见。他们认为这个庞大的物体是由两颗 白矮星 合并而成的,通常白矮星会以强大的超新星的形式爆炸。 The new star is what astronomers call a white dwarf. Its what stars like the Sun become at the end of their li...

  • 美国男子涉嫌喷涂特朗普之星被逮捕

    18-12-27 Authorities have arrested a 29-year-old man suspected of spray-painting swastikas on U.S. President Donald Trumps star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 美国警方逮捕一位28岁男子,该男子涉嫌向好莱坞星光大道上的特朗普之星喷涂纳粹标志。 The LAPD says Jose...

  • “特朗普之星”可能从星光大道移除

    18-08-08 The West Hollywood City Council has unanimously approved a resolution seeking the removal of Donald Trumps star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 西好莱坞市议会一致通过一项决议,将特朗普的星星从好莱坞星光大道上移除。 Mondays vote isnt likely to get t...

  • 中国天文学家发现富锂巨星

    18-08-07 Chinese astronomers have discovered the most lithium-rich giant star ever known, which could shed new light on the evolution of the universe. 中国天文学家发现目前已知最富锂的巨星,这可能对宇宙的进化带来新的见解。 With 3,000 times more lithium than a...

  • 邹市明暂无退役打算

    18-02-08 Although suffering from eye diseases, Chinese boxing star Zou Shiming said on Wednesday that he is not ready to retire. 中国拳击明星邹市明周三表示,尽管遭受眼部疾病,他还不打算退役。 Im cooperating with doctors to get some treatment, and I will neve...

  • 梅丽尔-斯特里普将加盟《大小谎言》第2季

    18-02-03 Back in the 70s, budding actress Meryl Streep played a woman ill-treated by the Nazis in TV miniseries Holocaust. 上世纪70年代,新生代女演员梅丽尔-斯特里普在电视连续短剧《大屠杀》中出演了一位被纳粹虐待的女性。 Four decades on, the star of The Post a...

  • 福原爱宣布已怀孕

    17-06-30 Japanese table tennis star Ai Fukuhara said on Thursday that she is pregnant and expecting to have a baby this fall. 日本乒坛明星福原爱周四表示,她现在已怀孕,孩子将于今年秋天出生。 The 28-year-old star, who married Chiang Hung-chieh, a table tennis...