• 天文学家发现新型态行星

    11-05-19 University of Notre Dame astronomer David Bennett is co-author of a new paper describing the discovery of a new class of planets dark, isolated Jupiter-mass bodies floating alone in space, far from any host star. Bennett and the team of astronomers...

  • 美宇航局在一颗中子星核中发现超流体

    11-02-24 NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has discovered the first direct evidence for a superfluid(超流体) , a bizarre, friction(摩擦) -free state of matter, at the core of a neutron star. Superfluids created in laboratories on Earth exhibit remarkable...

  • 名人崇拜干扰自我认识

    11-02-23 A generation ago young people aspired to become lawyers and doctors. Now they yearn to be the next Oscar winner or celebrity pop star. 三十年前,年轻人都渴望成为律师或者医生。现在的年轻人则梦想成为下一位奥斯卡奖得主或成为流行歌星。 But one universit...

  • 实验室中模拟超新星爆炸

    10-12-03 A team of physicists from the University of Toronto and Rutgers University have mimicked the explosion of a supernova(超新星) in miniature(小型,小规模) . A supernova is an exploding star. In a certain type of supernova, the detonation(爆炸) s...

  • 如何利用卫星测量星体重量

    10-10-18 How do astronomers weigh a star that's trillions of miles away and way too big to fit on a bathroom scale(体重秤) ? In most cases they can't, although they can get a best estimate using computer models of stellar structure. New work by astrophysic...

  • 波特女星沃特森获称“英国最佳着装女性”

    10-10-04 Harry Potter star Emma Watson has beaten Kate Moss to the title of Britain's best-dressed woman in a poll of 25,000 people. 《哈利波特》女星艾玛沃特森近日在一项有2.5万人参与的调查中击败凯特摩斯等众女星,获称英国最佳着装女性。 Emma Watson gets a temp...

  • 研究人员发现适合生物存活的类地行星

    10-09-30 太空探索研究人员最近发现了一颗大小类似地球的行星,这颗行星围绕离地球20光年的一颗恒星运转,其表面温度适宜产生液态水源,因而很有可能是另一个适合生物存活的星球。 An artist's impression of Gliese 581g, which astronomers say is near Earth - relatively sp...

  • 黑洞的形成需要多少质量?

    10-08-19 To reach their conclusions, the astronomers looked in detail at the extraordinary star cluster(星团) Westerlund 1, located 16 000 light-years away in the southern constellation(星座,星群) of Ara (the Altar). From previous studies (eso0510 - htt...

  • 人体大脑内星形胶质细胞控制着呼吸

    10-07-16 Astrocytes(星形胶质细胞) - brain cells named after their characteristic star-shape and previously thought to act only as the 'glue' between neurons(神经原) , have a central role in the regulation of breathing, according to scientists. The findin...

  • 揭开重恒星的形成之谜

    10-07-15 Our observations show a disc surrounding an embryonic(胚胎的) young, massive star, which is now fully formed, says Stefan Kraus, who led the study. One can say that the baby is about to hatch(孵化) ! The team of astronomers looked at an object k...