• 老龄恒星重量减轻的秘密被发现

    15-11-26 VY Canis Majoris is a stellar goliath, a red hypergiant, one of the largest known stars in the Milky Way. It is 30-40 times the mass of the Sun and 300 000 times more luminous. In its current state, the star would encompass the orbit of Jupiter, hav...

  • 乐高·星球大战展览在香港举办

    15-11-25 The Star Wars and Times Square exhibit has been unveiled in Hong Kong on Tuesday night. 本周二晚,乐高星球大战展览在香港时代广场拉开帷幕。 Fans flock to this new LEGO exhibition, for the life-size LEGO replicas of iconic characters and ships from th...

  • 黑洞引力将附近星体撕碎

    15-10-22 When a star comes too close to a black hole, the intense gravity of the black hole results in tidal forces that can rip the star apart. In these events, called tidal disruptions, some of the stellar debris is flung outward at high speeds, while the...

  • 行星毁灭真实存在

    15-10-22 The Death Star of the movie Star Wars may be fictional, but planetary destruction is real. Astronomers announced today that they have spotted a large, rocky object disintegrating in its death spiral around a distant white dwarf star. The discovery a...

  • 矮星系如何成为星团的摇篮

    15-09-10 A nearby dwarf galaxy poses an intriguing mystery: How is it able to form brilliant star clusters without the dusty, gas-rich environments found in larger galaxies? The answer, astronomers believe, lies in densely packed and previously unrecognized...

  • 迪士尼计划建造《星球大战》主题园区

    15-08-23 Disney has announced plans to build an enormous Star Wars land marking the biggest expansion in the theme park's history. 迪士尼宣布,计划建造一个《星球大战》主题的大型园区,这将是迪士尼史上最大的园区扩张。 It will consist of two 14-acre parks - one...

  • 侏罗纪导演将执导《星球大战9》

    15-08-17 Jurassic World Director Colin Trevorrow is now getting ready to take on the Star Wars franchise. 《侏罗纪世界》导演科林特莱沃若将执导《星球大战》系列电影。 Disney has announced just announced that Trevorrow will direct Star Wars Episode 9, that is s...

  • 世界羽毛球锦标赛 林丹成功晋级

    15-08-12 Chinese star Lin Dan is through to the next round, hammering past an unseeded American at the BWF World Championships in Jakarta, Indonesia. 在印尼雅加达举办的世界羽毛球锦标赛上,中国球星林丹击败一位美国非种子选手,成功晋级。 Lin Dan says its his im...

  • 中子星回声可以作为天文学新的测量工具

    15-06-25 In late 2013, when the neutron star at the heart of one of our galaxy's oddest supernovae gave off a massive burst of X-rays, the resulting echoes -- created when the X-rays bounced off clouds of dust in interstellar space -- yielded a surprising ne...

  • 贾斯汀·比伯:我想找个自信且诚实的女友

    15-05-20 He has been spending time with 18-year-old model Hailey Baldwin for the past several months. But in the June/July issue of Seventeen, Justin Bieber said that he is looking for a girlfriend. 过去几个月他一直和18岁的模特海莉鲍德温在一起,但是在六、七...