• 哈勃望远镜捕捉到新恒星团的形成景象

    10-06-03 With a mass of more than 10 000 suns packed into a volume with a diameter of a mere three light-years, the massive young star cluster(星团) in the nebula(星云) NGC 3603 is one of the most compact stellar clusters in the Milky Way and an ideal pl...

  • 太阳动力学观测台发回第一批观测图像

    10-04-22 Nasa's Solar Dynamics Observatory has provided an astonishing new vista on our turbulent star. 美国宇航局的太阳动力学观测台拍摄到一组我们的纷扰不安的太阳的令人惊奇的景象。 SDO sees the Sun's whole disc but can then zoom in to view fine detail The fi...

  • 法瑞尔·史密斯获英国古典音乐奖双提名

    10-04-14 Britain's Got Talent star Faryl Smith and Pope Benedict will compete for a prize at the Classical Brit Awards, which takes place next month. 《英国达人》明星法瑞尔史密斯与教皇本笃十六世将于下月角逐英国古典音乐奖。 Faryl Smith (l) is the youngest art...

  • 天文学家首次近距离观测柱一座暗伴星

    10-04-08 For the first time, astronomers have directly observed the mysterious dark companion in a binary star(双子星) system that has puzzled skywatchers since the 19th century. Using an instrument developed at the University of Michigan, scientists have...

  • Gum 19恒星形成星云的亮面与暗面

    10-04-01 Gum 19 is located in the direction of the constellation(星座,荟萃) Vela (the Sail) at a distance of approximately 22 000 light years. The Gum 19 moniker(绰号,名字) derives from(源于,来自) a 1955 publication by the Australian astrophysicist...

  • 斯里兰卡拒绝给歌星阿肯颁发签证

    10-03-25 Sri Lanka has refused to issue a visa to RB star Akon, who was due to perform there next month, saying he offended the country's Buddhists. 美国RB歌星阿肯下月将在斯里兰卡进行演出,但是斯里兰卡拒绝给他颁发签证,称其冒犯了国内的佛教徒。 Akon was due t...

  • 《不可完成的任务》男主角彼得·格雷夫斯逝世

    10-03-15 Peter Graves - star of the classic TV series Mission: Impossible and disaster spoof movie Airplane! - has died in the US city of Los Angeles. He was 83. 彼得格雷夫斯经典电视连续剧《不可完成的任务》和灾难欺骗电影《Airplane!》的男主角,近日于美国城市...

  • 好莱坞女星吸金榜 “赫敏”称后

    10-02-06 美国《名利?吩又咀罱??剂?009年好莱坞明星的收入排行,《哈利波特》系列电影中的女主角艾玛沃特森以2000万英镑的总收入超过卡梅隆迪亚兹等人荣登女星收入榜首,现年19岁的她同时也是榜上最年轻的明星。该系列电影的男主角丹尼尔克里夫则以4000万英镑的总收入位列好...

  • 天文学家首次观测天鹰座星系内部

    09-12-18 Herschel天王星 has peered凝视,窥视 inside an unseen stellar星的 nursery and revealed surprising amounts of activity. Some 700 newly-forming stars are estimated to be crowded into filaments花丝,灯丝 of dust stretching through the image. The image i...

  • 贝卢斯科尼获评《滚石》年度摇滚之星

    09-11-28 The Italian edition of Rolling Stone has named Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi its rock star of the year, paying tribute to his lifestyle worthy of the greatest rock star. 日前,意大利总理西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼被《滚石》杂志意大利版评为年度摇滚之星,因...