• 黎明导演处女作《抢红》周五上映

    17-05-17 50-year-old Chinese star Leon Lai Mings directorial debut, Wine War, is due to open this Friday. 50岁中国巨星黎明的导演处女作《抢红》本周五上映。 This is Lais latest collaboration with veteran actor Zhang Hanyu. In a recent interview, Leon Lai said...

  • 太阳系外发现一颗可能有生命的超级地球

    17-05-06 Point a high-powered telescope at the constellation Cetus, the sea monster, and it is just possible to make out a dim red dwarf star shining in the tail. 使用高倍率望远镜观察鲸鱼座(Ceuts,名为海怪),也只能勉强看到星座尾部有一颗昏暗的红矮星在发光。...

  • 比邻星系发现一颗宜居行星

    16-08-25 Astronomers using ESO telescopes and other facilities have found clear evidence of a planet orbiting the closest star to Earth, Proxima Centauri. The long-sought world, designated Proxima b, orbits its cool red parent star every 11 days and has a te...

  • Catch the star that holds your destiny

    16-04-03 Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles within your heart. Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still sparkle before you. Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yoursel...

  • 磁场对地球上生命的出现有重要作用

    16-03-17 Nearly four billion years ago, life arose on Earth. Life appeared because our planet had a rocky surface, liquid water, and a blanketing atmosphere. But life thrived thanks to another necessary ingredient: the presence of a protective magnetic field...

  • 迄今发现最明亮的超新星

    16-01-15 A team of astronomers, including Carnegie's Benjamin Shappee, Nidia Morrell, and Ian Thompson, has discovered the most-luminous supernova ever observed, called ASAS-SN-15lh. Their findings are published in Science. Supernovae are violent stellar exp...

  • 球状星团内可能存在星际文明

    16-01-07 Globular star clusters are extraordinary in almost every way. They're densely packed, holding a million stars in a ball only about 100 light-years across on average. They're old, dating back almost to the birth of the Milky Way. And according to new...

  • 制片人预计《星战7》定会在中国票房大卖

    16-01-03 The latest Star Wars movie broke the $1 billion mark before fans in China could see it, but producers anticipate The Force Awakens will play very very well in the world's second-biggest film market. 《星球大战7:原力觉醒》目前票房已突破10亿美元大关...

  • 天文学家发现测量遥远星球表面重力的方法

    16-01-03 Researchers have found a new way to measure the pull of gravity at the surface of a star. For distant stars with planets orbiting them, this information is key in determining whether any of those planets can harbour life. The new method is described...

  • 鹿晗将出任《星球大战》中国形象大使

    15-12-27 Often described as China's answer to Justin Bieber, the 25-year-old pop star is suddenly everywhere, promoting 'Star Wars' and 'Kung Fu Panda 3,' and next appearing opposite Matt Damon in Zhang Yimou's 'The Great Wall.' 人们经常称鹿晗为中国的贾斯汀...