• 研究:会议能使团队成员变蠢

    12-02-13 Meetings don't just eat up time in the workplace, they actually make groups of people stupider, says new research. 新研究发现,会议不单会耗费大量工作时间,实际上还会使团队成员都变蠢。 Working in a group makes people perform worse on intelligence tes...

  • 流言具有社会和心理效益

    12-01-18 For centuries, gossip has been dismissed as salacious(猥亵的) , idle chatter that can damage reputations and erode trust. But a new study from the University of California, Berkeley, suggests rumor-mongering can have positive outcomes such as help...

  • International Widows' Day 国际寡妇日

    12-01-18 This first International Widows' Day is an occasion to call attention to the many firsts that women must face when their husbands die. In addition to coping with grief, they may find themselves for the first time since marriage without any social sa...

  • 写博客有助于缓解社交压力

    12-01-05 Blogging may have psychological benefits for teens suffering from social anxiety, improving their self-esteem and helping them relate better to their friends, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. Research ha...

  • 印度开始审查监视互联网

    11-12-06 India has asked social networking sites and internet companies to screen and remove content which is defamatory to religious and political leaders. 印度政府要求社交网站以及因特网公司审查并删除涉及到诽谤宗教和政治领导人的内容。 Communications Ministe...

  • 网络时代 网友多密友少

    11-11-12 In this age of Facebook and Twitter, we are all supposed to have hundreds of friends. But in fact most of us have just two people we would consider to be close friends down from an average of three 25 years ago, a study claims. 在这个Facebook和Twitt...

  • 2/3英国人赞成动荡时期关闭社交网站

    11-11-12 一项有973名英国成年人参与的调查显示,超过三分之二的人都赞成在社会动荡时期关闭Twitter、Facebook等社交网站;四分之三的人认为政府应该有公开的渠道获取社交网站用户数据,以防范联合犯罪。 More than two-thirds of adults support the shutdown of social networ...

  • Facebook承认监视用户隐私信息

    11-09-30 Facebook has admitted that it monitors every single web page its members visit even when they have logged out. Facebook承认它监视用户访问的每个网页,就算用户已经退出登陆。 In its latest privacy blunder(大错) , the social networking site was forced...

  • 社交活动有利于身材苗条

    11-09-11 Keeping a busy social life amongst lots of friends may keep people slimmer than spending hours on a treadmill, according to scientists. 科学家研究发现,与在跑步机上锻炼几个小时相比,跟朋友一起参加社交活动更有利于保持苗条身材。 They say that socialis...

  • 英国诗人称发短信能磨练诗歌创作技巧

    11-09-10 英国女诗人卡罗尔安达菲近日表示,青少年发短信和微博的过程其实是在磨练他们的诗歌创作技巧,诗歌其实是短信和微博的前身。 Children who use social networking sites and text messaging to communicate are perfecting their poetry skills, Carol Ann Duffy, the...