13-05-20 One of the most important habits in life is to feed your mind with positive mental food. Remember, you are very susceptible(易受影响的) to the suggested influences in your environment, whether radio, television, newspapers, magazines, billboards o...
13-05-09 Apart from reviewing China's judicial system and reform process, the white paper focuses on maintaining social fairness, justice and human rights protection. 除了回顾中国的司法体系和改革进程之外,白皮书主要强调维护社会公平正义和保护人权。 White pape...
13-04-28 New research suggests it may be down to a subconscious power struggle being played out as you make your way up or down. 新研究指出,在你上下电梯时,你的表现可能源自一种下意识的权利斗争。 A study found that people decide where they stand based on a m...
13-04-23 Just as humans can follow complex social situations in deciding who to befriend or to abandon, it turns out that animals use the same level of sophistication in judging social configurations, according to a new study that advances our understanding...
13-04-07 Plebs is short for plebians, derived from the period of the Ancient Romans. The plebeians were the general body of Roman citizens and those who were privileged were labeled patricians. Plebs是plebians一词的简写形式,源于古罗马时期。Plebians指古罗马...
13-03-24 Looking at old photographs of yourself on Facebook can boost your mood - and be as soothing as a walk in the park, a new study found. 最新研究显示,浏览Facebook上的旧照片可以使情绪振奋,就如同在公园散步一样让人感到慰藉。 Researchers found users typi...
13-03-15 Women consistently lie on social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter to make their lives appear more exciting, a survey has found. 一项调查发现,女性总爱在Facebook或Twitter这样的社交网站上说谎,把自己的生活描述得比实际更精彩。 Researchers f...
13-03-07 Tweet seat is a section in a theater set aside for people who want to tweet during a performance. Tweet seat指剧场中专为那些想在演出过程中通过推特等微博平台发表言论的观众指定的座位,即微博专座。 Several performing arts companies around the United St...
13-02-28 A selfie is a photographic self-portrait, particularly one taken with the intent of posting it to a social network. Selfie就是自拍照,尤指那些自拍后上传到社交网站的照片。 Not since the days of Picasso has self-portraiture been so prevalent. Smartpho...
13-02-28 In social psychology, group polarization refers to the tendency for groups to make decisions that are more extreme than the initial inclination of its members. These more extreme decisions are towards greater risk if individuals' initial tendencies...