• 自恋、自卑者更喜欢泡社交网站

    10-09-11 Using Facebook is the online equivalent of staring at yourself in the mirror, according to a study. 最新研究表明,使用Facebook社交网站就如同在镜前自我欣赏。 Those who spent more time updating their profile on the social networking site were more lik...

  • 城市生活使人更易患精神病

    10-09-07 The association between psychotic(精神病的) disorders and living in urban areas appears to be a reflection of increased social fragmentation(破碎,分裂) present within cities, according to a report in the September issue of Archives of General P...

  • 苹果发布音乐社交网络Ping

    10-09-02 Apple has launched a social network as part of the latest version of its iTunes software. 苹果发布一个社交网络作为其最新iTunes软件的一部分。 Ping, as it is known, allows users to build networks of friends and professional musicians, in a similar way...

  • 古人已开始用盛宴庆祝重要仪式

    10-08-31 Whether the occasion is a wedding reception(婚宴) or another milestone in life, the feast is a time-honored ritual(仪式,惯例) in which a large meal marks a significant occasion. We know that the Romans, Greeks and Vikings did it, and today it's...

  • 奥巴马演讲 俄亥俄州民宅谈经济9

    10-08-23 Q Thank you. Im the practice manager at an ophthalmology(眼科学) practice at the Eye Center of Columbus, downtown(市中心区) . It is a great facility that the city of Columbus helped us get in place. There are over 30 ophthalmologists providing s...

  • 疫苗生产的微小变动可造成疾病防治的重大变化

    10-07-30 Public immunization(免疫) efforts may be much more sensitive than previously realized to small changes in the perceived(感官的) costs or risks of vaccination, scientists at Harvard University report this week. In some cases, the spread of vaccin...

  • 社会关系状况可影响到人的生存率

    10-07-28 Individuals with adequate social relationships have a 50% greater likelihood(可能性) of survival compared to those with poor or insufficient social relationships. The magnitude(大小,量级) of this effect is comparable with stopping smoking and e...

  • 童年遭受性侵犯将导致将来出现健康问题

    10-07-22 Gay and bisexual(两性的,雌雄同体的) men enrolled in a long-term study of HIV who reported sexual abuse(性侵犯,性虐待) and social shaming in childhood experience psychosocial health problems later in life that could put them at greater risk for...

  • 美国20%的学龄前儿童进入幼儿园后发现心理健康问题

    10-07-09 Social competence(社交能力) and behavior problems that are evident at kindergarten and first grade are known to be strong predictors of a child's academic and social functioning. However, findings reported in the July issue of the Journal of the A...

  • 自我介绍常用语2

    10-07-09 1. Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。 2. The ability to initiate and operate independently. 有创业能力,并能独立地从业。 3. Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and...