• 利用社交网站维护公众形象

    13-09-04 Social networking sites have become incredibly popular in recent years, with Facebook now ranking as the third most popular website in the U.S. With so many people spending so much time on Facebook, public relations professionals are using the site...

  • humblebrag 谦虚自夸

    13-09-02 Humblebrag , the combination of humble and brag, is the lowest, most despicable and loathsome form of self promotion, often delivered in one or two fragmented sentences on social networking sites. A typical and popular approach is to use a disingenu...

  • selfie 自拍

    13-09-02 A selfie is a photographic self-portrait, particularly one taken with the intent of posting it to a social network. Selfie就是自拍照,尤指那些自拍后上传到社交网站的照片。 Not since the days of Picasso has self-portraiture been so prevalent. Smartpho...

  • Friend jacking 朋友劫持

    13-08-15 Friend jacking describes the situation when someone who is new to a social circle ends up becoming more important and loved in that group than the person who introduced them to the said circle. Often times, the 'introducer' actually ends up getting...

  • Social bully 社交恶霸

    13-08-15 Social bully is a person who demands everyone's attendance at events and will not take no for an answer. Also, this person tends to discourage people from leaving social events and interrogates them as to the reason for the departure. (Source: merri...

  • 社会传言影响女性对怀孕的预期

    13-08-11 Morning sickness(早孕反应) , shiny hair, and bizarre and intense cravings for pickles(咸菜) and ice cream -- what expectations do pregnant women impose on their bodies, and how are those expectations influenced by cultural perspectives on pregna...

  • 海豚终生不忘其社会记忆

    13-08-07 Dolphins can recognize their old tank mates' whistles after being separated for more than 20 years -- the longest social memory ever recorded for a non-human species. The remarkable memory feat is another indication that dolphins have a level of cog...

  • 群居动物有更多社交智慧

    13-06-27 Lemurs(狐猴) from species that hang out in big tribes are more likely to steal food behind your back instead of in front of your face. This behavior suggests that primates who live in larger social groups tend to have more social intelligence, a n...

  • 冲破习惯 开始新的生活

    13-06-20 Abraham Joshua Heschel was one of the leading American Rabbis, theologians(神学者) , and social activists of the 20th century. He said something that I'll never forget and that has stayed with me since the moment I heard it. In his book God in Sea...

  • Facebook总裁肖恩·帕克900万举办豪华婚礼

    13-06-11 The nuptials, which reportedly cost $9 million, took place in the coastal retreat of Big Sur, California in front of 300 guests. 据英国《每日电讯报》6月2日报道,美国社交网络Facebook公司的首任总裁肖恩帕克与他的歌星女友举办了婚礼,而这场婚礼则是硅谷有...