• 法国:花钱买春将被罚款

    13-12-05 French MPs have approved a bill that will penalise anyone paying for sex. 法国议会通过一项法案,任何花钱买春的人都会受到罚款。 The bill, which was adopted by a vote of 268 to 138, with 79 abstentions, establishes a fine of at least 1,500 euros ($2,0...

  • 现代生活节奏使人的性生活减少

    13-12-01 Money worries and the distractions of social media mean people are having sex less frequently, researchers say. 研究人员称,对金钱的担忧、社交媒体的干扰导致现代人的性生活相应减少。 A once-a-decade poll of 15,000 Britons found those aged 16-44 were h...

  • 有更好“性生活”的果蝇寿命更长

    13-11-29 Sex may in fact be one of the secrets to good health, youth and a longer life -- at least for fruit flies -- suggests a new University of Michigan study that appears in the journal Science. Male fruit flies that perceived(感知,领会) sexual pherom...

  • 更强的性冲动使男性更易出轨

    13-09-23 A recently published study strongly suggests men succumb to(屈服于) sexual temptations more than women -- for example, cheating on a partner -- because they experience strong sexual impulses, not because they have weak self-control. Previous resea...

  • 美国男子隐瞒艾滋病史 与300多人发生性关系

    13-09-08 A local police department in southeast Missouri confirms the arrest of an HIV-positive man who published reports say admitted to having sex with hundreds of men without telling them his health status. 美国密苏里州警方证实,该州一名携带艾滋病毒的男子...

  • 马尔代夫15岁少女鞭刑惩罚被推翻

    13-08-22 A 15-year-old girl who was sentenced to 100 lashes for engaging in premarital sex has had her punishment overturned by a Maldives court. 马尔代夫一名15岁少女因婚前性行为被判鞭笞100次,不过该判决近期被最高法院推翻。 The High Court ruled on Wednesday...

  • 新西兰已举行首个同性恋婚礼

    13-08-19 The first same-sex weddings have taken place in New Zealand after the country became the first in the Asia-Pacific region and 14th in the world to legalise same-sex marriage. 新西兰一对同性恋已举行首次婚礼,新西兰是亚太地区首个以及世界上第14个支持同...

  • 《爱在日落黄昏时》六

    13-07-22 精彩对白 Celine: No, I didn't. And it pisses me off, okay? You come here to Paris, all romantic, and married. Okay? Screw you. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to get you. I mean, all I need is a married man. There's been so much water under the b...

  • 哺乳动物能“选择”后代的性别

    13-07-11 A new study led by a researcher at the Stanford University School of Medicine shows that mammalian species can choose the sex of their offspring in order to beat the odds and produce extra grandchildren. In analyzing 90 years of breeding records fro...

  • 安倍晋三就慰安妇问题道歉

    13-05-24 Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has apologised in parliament for the country's use of women as sex slaves during World War II. 日本首相安倍晋三现已在国会就二战时期日本强征女性为慰安妇的做法做出道歉。 The apology comes after Mr Abe was criticised b...