• 某些濒危钜鲛可以无性繁殖

    15-06-02 Some female members of a critically endangered species of sawfish are reproducing in the wild without sex. The discovery, reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on June 1, marks the first time living offspring from virgin births have bee...

  • same-sex marriage 同性婚姻

    15-05-26 Ireland has become the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote. 爱尔兰成为世界上第一个通过公投将同性婚姻合法化的国家。 同性婚姻又称同性恋婚姻/同性别婚姻,我们可以用same-sex marriage或gay marriage表示,指生理性别或性...

  • 自闭症患者的大脑结构具有性别差异

    15-05-15 Male toddlers with autism have significant structural differences in their brains compared to females with the condition, according to research published in the open access journal Molecular Autism. The journal is publishing a special series of arti...

  • 酒精能使人更容易吸引异性

    15-05-08 It's official: alcohol makes you more attractive to the opposite sex. And that's when you are boozing, not them. 权威结论出来了:酒精能让你在异性眼中更具吸引力。不是因为他们喝酒,而是因为你喝了。 Scientists at the University of Bristol found that ha...

  • 德国公司招聘全职“妓女测评师”

    15-04-10 A social media company catering to Germany's adult industry is creating a new position -- a sexual position. 一迎合德国成人产业的社交网络公司新创出一个职位跟性相关的职位。 Kaufmich.com -- which means buy me in German -- has just announced it is hiri...

  • 英国两男性相爱 双双变性欲结婚

    15-01-14 Two men who fell in love are getting married as brides after both underwent a full sex change operation to become women. 两名相爱的男性双双接受了彻底的变性手术成为了女性,两人正打算结婚。 Parma Bertoli, 59, and partner Stephanie Nickles, 43, started...

  • 男人听女人唠叨时只能坚持6分钟

    14-12-19 The average man can stand just six minutes of his woman's witterings about her lunch, her stars and her feelings, it is claimed. 据说,男人听女人唠叨她的午餐、偶像明星和心情时只能坚持6分钟。 By contrast, he can pay attention for an entire fifteen mi...

  • 男人确实比女性更蠢

    14-12-19 It's a theory that many women have held for years. 男人是蠢货,这是女人的眼中的真理。 And now a study has revealed men really are the more stupid sex. Analysis of the Darwin Awards - an annual review of the most foolish ways people have died - has f...

  • 从事职业不同 两性关系也有明显区别

    14-12-14 If you are an actor or an engineer, you are more likely to be looking for casual sex than a long-term relationship, according to new research published by dating app Clover. 社交约会软件Clover最新公布的研究结果显示,演员和工程师或许更乐于享受露水情...

  • friend zoned 划入朋友圈

    14-11-20 You are friend zoned when a member of the opposite sex (usually one you want to hook up with) declares you to be just a friend, thereby ruining all potential chances of sex. 当你想追求的异性宣告你只是他(她)的朋友时,你就此被划入朋友圈,你俩之间从...