• 孕妇血液DNA检测辨别胎儿性别

    11-08-10 As a noninvasive method of determining the sex of a fetus, tests using cell-free fetal DNA obtained from the mother's blood after 7 weeks gestation(酝酿,怀孕) performed well, while urine-based tests appear to be unreliable, according to a review...

  • 梦露性爱影片拍卖未成交

    11-08-09 There were no buyers Sunday at the auction of a 1940s stag film that an events promoter claims shows an underage Marilyn Monroe having sex before she became a movie star. 上周日,上世纪40年代的一部性爱影片公开拍卖,活动发起人声称这是未成年的玛丽莲梦...

  • 纽约同性婚姻正式合法化

    11-08-07 New York City's event planners are gearing up for a surge in business after the Empire State embraced same-sex marriage and hundreds of couples rush to tie the knot. 纽约州同性婚姻近日正式合法化,几百对同性恋人迫不及待要喜结良缘。纽约市的婚庆策划者...

  • 落跑新娘哈里斯因“房事不合”与赫夫纳分手

    11-07-30 《花花公子》创始人赫夫纳的落跑新娘克丽丝泰尔哈里斯近日在接受媒体采访时,自曝她和赫夫纳分手的真正原因是房事不合。 Hugh Hefner and his fiancee, Playboy Playmate Crystal Harris, arrive at the opening night gala of the 2011 TCM Classic Film Festival fea...

  • 印度父母对女童实行变性手术遭指责

    11-07-03 Indian doctors have been accused of conducting sex change operations on young girls whose parents want son to improve the family's income prospects. 为求子以使家庭收入更可观,印度一些父母要求医生对女童实施变性手术,而这些医生已遭到控诉。 Madhya Prad...

  • 研究:深沉的男性更性感

    11-05-28 Guys, want to look sexy and get the girl? Don't smile too much. Look brooding or show a bit of shame instead. Women, ignore that advice. 想要做个性感男人,俘获女人的心吗?那就不要笑得太多,你应该看起来深沉些或露出一点害羞的神色。如果你是女人,以上的...

  • 加拿大夫妇刻意隐藏孩子性别

    11-05-28 加拿大一对夫妇在向亲友介绍他们的第三个孩子时对其性别闭口不提,称想让Ta在这个处处都有界限的世界里享受更多的自由和选择权,想当男孩还是女孩也由Ta自己选择。 Parents are not saying whether Storm is a boy or a girl. When many couples have a baby, they sen...

  • 国际货币基金主席因性指控辞职

    11-05-19 International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn has offered to resign following an alleged sexual assault of a hotel maid in New York. 国际货币基金组织主席多米尼克斯特劳斯-卡恩因对纽约一座宾馆清洁工进行性侵犯受到指控而提出辞职。 Dominique S...

  • 过半父母不认可学校开展性教育

    11-05-17 More than half of parents do not think sex education should be taught to children at school, according to a new survey. 根据一项新调查,超过半数的父母认为学校不应对小孩进行性教育。 Many think it is inappropriate to teach children about sex, whilst o...

  • 《十日拍拖手册》二

    11-04-07 影片对白: Michelle: Hi. Jeannie: Hi. Michelle: I-I don't really want to talk about it, okay? Jeannie: Okay. Andie: Okay. Michelle: Okay. Why does this always happen to me? Things were going great for, like, a week and a half, and then, all of a sud...