• 英国人性欲正走下坡路

    14-11-02 Britain is losing its libido. That is the striking conclusion of an Observer survey -- published in the new Sex Uncovered supplement -- which reveals that the average British adult has sex only four times a month, less than once a week. 《观察家报》...

  • 家庭暴力在同性夫妻间更常见

    14-09-24 Domestic violence occurs at least as frequently, and likely even more so, between same-sex couples compared to opposite-sex couples, according to a review of literature by Northwestern Medicine scientists. Previous studies, when analyzed together, i...

  • 世界杯:禁止性行为的球队均无缘前八强

    14-07-08 As a sex researcher, I've been thinking about how much the World Cup players have been thinking about having sex even if they aren't supposed to be participating in sexual activity. 即使世界杯期间球员不该进行任何性行为,作为一个性学研究者,我还是一...

  • 男人平均每天多少次联想到性?

    14-07-06 It's a stat that gets bounced around as e-mail-forward wisdom: men think about sex every seven seconds. 据一封被广为转发的电子邮件中的数据表明:男人每七秒钟就会想到性。 Even when the idea lacks this mythical specificity and grandiosity (that's 7,200...

  • Taken for Granted 理所当然

    14-06-17 THE SCHOOL HEALTH FORMS had been distributed to the students with an error -- the word Sex had been spelled with an o. One mother, filling out the form for her son, wrote in the blank next to Sox: Usually brown. 某学校发给学生的健康调查表里有个错别...

  • 评估人的团队协作能力

    14-03-05 It's long been a popular stereotype: Men are hugely competitive, meaning cooperative effort is the exception rather than the norm, while women have a tendency to nurture relationships with others, making them much more likely to cooperate with one a...

  • 近年大量神职人员性虐儿童事件被曝光

    14-03-02 The flood of allegations, lawsuits and official reports into clerical abuse reached a peak in 2009 and 2010, which observers say may explain the spike shown in the document. 在2009年和2010年间,大量有关神职人员性虐儿童的指控、诉讼和官方报道已经沸腾...

  • 印度法官:婚前性行为违反宗教教义

    14-02-20 A court in the Indian capital, Delhi, has said that pre-marital sex was immoral and against the tenets of every religion. 在印度首都新德里,一名法官在裁决一起诉讼时说,婚前性行为是不道德的,也违反每一种宗教的教义。 Judge Virender Bhat made the remar...

  • boytox period 爱情空窗休整期

    13-12-24 When a woman ends a heartbreaking relationship, she may give up dating with the opposite sex for a temporary period in an attempt to enhance her overall well-being, including her mental health and her physical appearance. This is called boytox perio...

  • 美动物园搞错熊猫性别长达3年

    13-12-20 Atlanta Zoo officials said on Friday that twin giant panda cubs, the first to be born and survive in the United States, have both turned out to be female. 美国亚特兰大动物园12月13日发布声明,承认搞错了3只熊猫宝宝美轮、美奂和阿宝的性别。 Giant Panda...