• hit the right note 言行得体,恰到好处

    20-12-02 Hit the right note(击中正确的音符) 是一个实用的短语,它既可以用来描述某人 唱歌或演奏时音准动听,也可以用来表示 某人的言行举止恰当、得体,对在场的人产生了积极的影响。 例句 Classy, funny, and inspiring the actor hit the right note with his acceptanc...

  • 赞同他人的看法

    20-11-25 1. Youre so right. 你说得太对了。 副词so修饰形容词right 正确的,对的,强调非常同意他人的看法。 2. Youve hit the nail on the head. 你说到点上了。 在钉钉子的时候,只有锤子敲在钉帽上才算敲得好。所以,表达hit the nail on the head用钉钉子来比喻他人说中要...

  • 你说得对

    20-11-14 You are so right. 你真是太正确了 so常常会用在你想不到的地方来加强语气。 ---Go on! you are so right this time. I should congratulate you. 接着来,这次你对了!我要向你祝贺。 ---Yes, you are so right. 是的,你对了。 Ill say. 你说得对 当你想表达我想说的...

  • 几个rain常用习语

    20-10-19 make it rain make it rain除了直译的催雨,在口语里还有撒钱之意。用此表达的人,是要展示自己有钱,也就是炫富。 Lets make it rain at the club tonight, fellas! 兄弟们,今晚我们去酒吧里撒钱吧! as right as rain 这个表达,经常在口语里出现。它有好几个意思:...

  • 中国引入侵犯知识产权惩罚性赔偿制度

    18-12-24 A new draft section on torts of Chinas civil code introduced punitive damages for the infringement of intellectual property rights (IPRs). 中国民法典对侵犯知识产权的行为将引入惩罚性赔偿制度。 The new draft has been submitted to the ongoing session o...

  • 中国在南沙设防是正当权利

    18-04-11 China has claimed sending troops to and setting up territorial defense equipment on the islands and reefs of Nansha Islands is the automatic right as a sovereign state. 中国宣称,作为一个主权国家,向南沙群岛以及岛礁派遣部队并设立领土防御设备是理所应...

  • 和钱有关的10个英语表达

    17-07-19 1. (right) on the money exactly right; in exactly the right place; in exactly the right amount (of money). 完全正确;恰到好处;(钱)正好够数。 e.g. You were right on the money when you said that I would really like that book. 你说过我会很喜欢那本书...

  • escalefter 扶梯堵路者

    16-04-20 Escalefter is a person who stands on the left side of a busy escalator, thus blocking those who would walk up or down. 自动扶梯上人不少,但却有人站在扶梯左侧不动,堵住想疾行上下的人的去路。 People who stand to the left instead of standing to the rig...

  • 中华人民共和国民法通则 12

    15-09-08 第四章 民事法律行为和代理 第一节 民事法律行为 Chapter IV Civil Juristic Acts and Agency Section 1 Civil Juristic Acts 第五十四条 民事法律行为是公民或者法人设立、变更、终止民事权利和民事义务的合法行为。 Article 54 A civil juristic act shall be the la...

  • 奥巴马讲话 保护民众投票权利

    15-08-23 Hi, everybody.The right to vote is one of the most fundamental rights of any democracy.Yet for too long, too many of our fellow citizens were denied that right, simply because of the color of their skin. Fifty years ago this week, President Lyndon J...