• There you go! 不错,对了!

    21-11-02 这是美国人最常见的口头禅之一,在不同语境中有不同的意思: 一种是鼓励别人说对了,做对了,同样也可以说There we go。 例: Okay, now, lift your right hand. There you go! 好,那么现在抬起你的右手,对了! 第二种是在事情完成的时候说这句话,暗指你可以走啦。...

  • know-it-all 自以为无所不知的人

    21-10-28 合成名词 know-it-all 带有贬义,意思是 自以为无所不知的人,用来形容某人觉得自己比别人懂得都多,其实不然。 例句 Alex is such a know-it-all he always immediately shouts out the answer in class. 亚力克斯真是自以为什么都懂,他在课堂上总是立刻就喊出问题的...

  • relative importance 轻重缓急

    21-10-13 人们常说事有轻重缓急,轻重缓急,汉语成语,意思是各种事情中有主要的和次要的,有急于要办的和可以慢一点办的。轻重缓急可以翻译为order of importance/urgency/priority,或relative importance等。 例句: 你需要把自己的事情分出轻重缓急。 You need to get your...

  • 英国过渡时期的历史概况 4

    21-10-05 1. JamesⅠ, a firm believer in the Divine Right of Kings, would have preferred on Parliament at all and actually did without one for seven years. 詹姆斯一世坚决相信君权神授,他根本不想要议会,而且连续7年从未召集过。 2. It was at this Parliament that...

  • to play your cards right 办事处理得当

    21-08-23 表达 to play your cards right 的意思是办事处理得当,从而取得成功。人们经常会用这个短语来支持他人作出决定,比如说 if you play your cards right, 然后好事就会来了。 例句 If you play your cards right, he might ask you to marry him! John, if you play you...

  • on the right track 方向是正确的

    21-08-23 短语 on the right track 的意思就是你做的事情或你的想法是好的、方向是正确的、能得到好的结果。 例句 Our research shows were on the right track. Our profits are healthy and our customers are happy. The team lost a few early games. But then the manager...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 42

    21-05-07 The Prices were just setting off for church the next day when Mr. Crawford appeared again. He came, not to stop, but to join them; he was asked to go with them to the Garrison chapel, which was exactly what he had intended, and they all walked thith...

  • to the satisfaction of all 皆大欢喜

    21-04-09 很多人追剧或看电影时,都期盼着一个皆大欢喜的结局。皆大欢喜,汉语成语,意思是人人都高兴满意(Everybody is happy.),皆表示都(all; each and every)。可以翻译为to the satisfaction of all。 例句: 不过,像这样皆大欢喜的结局,终究是少之又少。 Such happy...

  • draw a blank 一无所获,毫无回应

    20-12-16 表达 draw a blank 在口语中用来表示 未能得到回应或答复。它由动词 draw(得出,推断出) 和 a blank(空白) 组成。 例句 The investigation is still open. So far, every lead has drawn a blank. 调查仍在进行中。到目前为止,每条线索都扑空了。 I still havent...

  • 英语真实条件句

    20-12-14 英语中的条件句分为真实条件句和虚拟条件句,而真实条件句大体分为两类:一类被称作 零类条件句,用来陈述事实或真理。这类句子翻译成汉语大多是 如果,就;另一类叫作 第一类条件句,用来谈论未来可能发生的事情,常见句式的汉语翻译是 如果,那就会。 1. If you want...