• peer pressure 同伴压力

    12-12-13 Peer pressure can happen when we are influenced to do something we usually would not do, or we are stopped from doing something we would like to do. This may be because we want to be accepted by our peers. 我们受同辈影响做一些我们平时不会做的事情,...

  • 很多青少年的高血压病情被漏诊

    12-11-07 Adults 18-24 years old with high blood pressure were 28 percent less likely to be diagnosed during doctor visits than those 60 and older, according to findings presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2012. These young patie...

  • 长期摄取果糖不会引起高血压

    12-02-14 Eating fructose(果糖) over an extended period of time does not lead to an increase in blood pressure, according to researchers at St. Michael's Hospital. A new study has found that despite previous research showing blood pressure rose in humans im...

  • 研究:有压力的女性更可能生女孩

    11-10-29 Women who are stressed while trying for a baby are more likely to have girls, research suggests. 研究表明,在试图怀孕期间感到有压力的女性更可能生女孩。 A study found that those who were under pressure at home, work or in their love life in the weeks...

  • 两股热带气旋逼近澳大利亚

    11-02-16 Australia is getting hit with two tropical fists as NASA satellites watch two low pressure areas develop near the Northern Territory and Western Australia. System 99S is currently strengthening near Darwin, Australia and another low pressure area ca...

  • 西瓜可有效降低血压

    10-10-14 No matter how you slice it, watermelon has a lot going for it sweet, low calorie, high fiber, nutrient rich and now, there's more. Evidence from a pilot study(初步研究) led by food scientists at The Florida State University suggests that watermelo...

  • 章子怡首次正式回应“捐款门”质疑

    10-03-19 自去年12月份的泼墨门事件以来,章子怡一直被各种责难缠身。经过两个多月的沉默,章子怡于 3月12日凌晨接受《中国日报》独家专访,详细回答捐款风波中网友提出的各种质疑。 Celebrity actress Zhang Ziyi admits she lacked experience in handling charity donations...

  • 伊朗铀浓缩引发国际质疑

    09-11-03 Iran has come under more international pressure to respond to a proposal that it send uranium abroad for enrichment. 伊朗将铀运送到国外进行浓缩,为此伊朗正承受更多的国际压力。 The head of the UN nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei, said the draft(...

  • Unhealthy men 'may lose 10 years' 不健康的吸烟者“或少活10年

    09-09-18 Middle-aged male smokers with high blood pressure and raised cholesterol levels face dying about 10 years before healthier counterparts, a study warns. 一项研究警告,中年男性吸烟者并伴有高血压、高胆固醇比正常的健康者早死10年。 Smoking and a high-cho...

  • Road noise link to blood pressure 公路噪音可能导致高血压

    09-09-10 People living near noisy roads are at greater risk of developing high blood pressure, a Swedish study suggests. 一项瑞典调查显示,居住在嘈杂的路边的人患高血压的风险极大。 High blood pressure increases the risk of strokes and heart problems A Lund Un...