• nobody is perfect 人无完人

    21-07-07 Nobody is perfect是一个常用的口语表达,意思是没有人是完美的,我们用它来提醒大家,每个人都有缺陷或者有犯错误的时候。其中,一个常用语境是:当某人和你倾诉因为自身的问题或缺点而且觉得自卑时,你就可以用nobody is perfect这句话来安慰这个人不要担心、别和其...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 33

    21-03-18 Emma was not required, by any subsequent discovery, to retract her ill opinion of Mrs. Elton. Her observation had been pretty correct. Such as Mrs. Elton appeared to her on this second interview, such she appeared whenever they met again,--self-impo...

  • 应对并克服考试压力的方法

    21-02-24 所有学生在校期间都需要参加各类考试以检测和证明自己的学习成绩。很多学生在考前会感到惴惴不安,不过,也有人期待并享受在考场上挑战自我的时刻。无论你是否喜欢考试,在步入考场之前,我们都需要进行系统且长时间的复习,而这一阶段通常令人倍感压力。 How do you f...

  • 压力为什么能让你变胖?

    21-02-10 每天要面对来自生活、工作的压力对于很多现代人来说已是家常便饭,但随之而来的是由压力引起的健康隐患,包括睡眠不足和心脏疾病等。你知道吗,除此之外,压力还可以使人的体重增加,甚至导致肥胖? Have you ever had a stressful day? Many people do in the course...

  • 世界著名景点为控制游客数量出新招

    21-01-02 I love holidays! Theres nothing better than jetting off to a foreign destination to visit the attractions it has on offer. Of course, Im not alone. Millions of people are doing the same, and why not? The world has an amazing variety of must-see sigh...

  • 人类能在水下生活吗?

    20-12-29 There are people living in almost every corner of our crowded planet. From the tops of mountains to deep underground, weve always been able to find habitable places to make a home. But with space at a premium, weve started to look even deeper for so...

  • 11种方法缓解压力

    19-08-20 1. Chew gum. Strange as it may seem, chewing gum -- not to mention the fun of popping bubbles -- has been shown to improve reported mood as well as lower cortisol levels. 2. Surround yourself with plants. Immersing yourself in nature can make you fe...

  • A Thanksgiving Forecast

    17-02-28 Turkeys will thaw in the morning, then warm in the oven to an afternoon high near 190F. The kitchen will turn hot and humid, and if you bother the cook, be ready for a severe squall or cold shoulder. During the late afternoon and evening, the cold f...

  • 甩掉小肚腩需与以下因素抗争

    16-07-06 Chewing gum Munching on a piece of minty fresh gum makes you swallow too much air, which gets trapped in your digestive system causing pressure, bloating and gas. The same thing can happen if you gulp air when snacking on the run, eating too quickly...

  • 血压管理可以减少心血管疾病发病率

    15-09-18 According to initial results of a multi-site landmark study, led by Dominic Raj, M.D., at the George Washington University (GW) site, cardiovascular disease morbidity is significantly reduced through intensive management of high blood pressure. By t...