• 1-10月全国累计办理出口退免税1.64万亿元

    22-12-09 据《证券时报》报道,今年,税务部门持续加快出口退税进度,服务外贸稳增长。今年1月1日至11月10日,全国累计办理出口退(免)税1.64万亿元,同比增长14.9%。 Chinas tax department continuously accelerated the export tax refund this year, offering powerful sup...

  • 发挥APEC合作平台作用 强化供应链韧性

    22-11-14 11月2日,由国家发展改革委主办的APEC加强供应链韧性促进经济复苏论坛在北京以线上线下相结合的方式召开。与会嘉宾就发挥APEC合作平台作用,强化供应链韧性,为亚太经济可持续发展注入强劲动力进行交流。 China called for more international cooperation to enhance...

  • nose out of joint 鼻子都气歪了

    22-08-18 大家都知道,nose是鼻子的意思,joint是关节的意思。Nose out of joint连在一起就是不愉快,心烦意乱的意思,类似中文里说的鼻子都气歪了。 比如说,我辛辛苦苦做了一桌子的菜,可是家里人都说不饿,就会让我nose out of joint。我们可以说have ones nose out of joint...

  • 中国将会加大对宏观经济的政策支持

    22-07-20 国家统计局数据显示,上半年中国经济同比增长2.5%,与全年5.5%的增速仍有较大差距。政府官员和专家预测,中国将会加大对宏观经济的政策支持,尽管实现全年经济增长目标有难度,但还是有可能的。 China will likely strengthen macroeconomic policy support while impr...

  • 我国经济总体恢复有所加快

    22-07-08 随着国内疫情防控形势持续向好,稳经济一揽子政策措施加快落地生效,我国经济总体恢复有所加快。6月份服务业和制造业采购经理人指数重回扩张区间,服务业恢复势头更强。 Chinas services sector in June expanded at its fastest pace in nearly a year amid a gradual...

  • bow to pressure 迫于压力低头让步

    22-01-04 Bow to pressure 的意思是迫于压力而做出让步。 例句 Bowing to pressure, the restaurant changed the menu to include a vegetarian option. The senator accused Barack Obama of bowing to pressure from environmentalists. He resigned his position after bowin...

  • 17个不可按套路翻译的句子 上

    21-10-13 1 As luck would have it, he was caught by the teacher again. 不幸的是,他又一次被老师逮个正着。 2 She held the little boy by the right hand. 她抓着小男孩的右手。(这里用by与用with意思区别很大。) 3 Are you there? 等于句型:Do you follow me? 4 If you...

  • 17个不可按套路翻译的句子

    21-10-01 1 As luck would have it, he was caught by the teacher again. 不幸的是,他又一次被老师逮个正着。 2 She held the little boy by the right hand. 她抓着小男孩的右手。(这里用by与用with意思区别很大。) 3 Are you there? 等于句型:Do you follow me? 4 If you...

  • bow to pressure 迫于压力而做出让步

    21-08-19 Bow to pressure 的意思是迫于压力而做出让步。 例句 Bowing to pressure from its customers, the restaurant changed the menu to include a vegetarian option. The senator accused Barack Obama of bowing to pressure from environmentalists. He resigned his p...