• 血液

    21-02-27 I have always enjoyed black pudding for breakfast. Nothing can compare with the taste of the rich black sausage made of pigs blood. However, even I might draw the line at making black pudding from my own blood. Thats exactly what the BBCs Michael Mo...

  • 美国德州暴风雪造成大面积断水断电

    21-02-22 本周,一场史无前例的暴风雪席卷了美国多地,据外媒报道,极寒天气已造成至少37人死亡,大部分来自得克萨斯州。 At least 37 people have died because of weather-related fatalities since Thursday, the majority in Texas. 自18日以来,极寒天气已造成至少37人死亡...

  • be infinitely resourceful 神通广大

    21-02-08 神通广大,原指神仙法力无所不能(have great magic power)。现比喻办法多,本领高强。可以翻译为be infinitely resourceful,possess marvelous abilities。 例句: 孙悟空神通广大。 Sun Wukong(Monkey King) had vast magic powers. 他神通广大,肯定能办此事。 Be...

  • 你的眼镜多少度

    21-01-28 1 How strong are your glasses? 歪果仁也很有意思,眼镜一般就是越厚度数越高,越厚的镜片越结实- strong。所以就直接用how strong来询问就可以。 2 Whats the power of your glasses? power表示力量,跟上面的strong含义差不多,只不过换了一个表达方式。 你的眼镜力...

  • 专家提醒人们重视火山旅游风险

    20-12-21 有些游客为寻求刺激,在火山爆发时前往山口附近观光,这一做法不仅危及他们自己的生命,还会妨碍紧急救援机构的正常工作。一份由英国皇家地理学会(Royal Geographical Society)发布的报告警告人们注意 火山旅游业 带来的安全隐患。 When a volcano erupts, the obvio...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 12

    20-12-20 Rose had no new gown to wear on this festive occasion, and gave one little sigh of regret as she put on the pale blue silk refreshed with clouds of gaze de Chambry. But a smile followed, very bright and sweet, as she added the clusters of forget-me-...

  • law-based society 法治社会

    20-12-12 近日,中共中央印发了《法治社会建设实施纲要(20202025年)》。纲要提出了建设法治社会的指导思想、主要原则以及总体目标。 The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has published an outline in pursuit of building a law-based society in the next...

  • 太阳能火车

    20-12-05 Railways are one of the greenest forms of transport, but they still use huge amounts of electricity. So why not run trains on solar power? 铁路是最环保的运输方式之一,但仍需消耗大量的电力。那么,为什么不利用太阳能发电来驱动火车呢? These look like o...

  • Unity is strength 众志成城

    20-11-29 众志成城,汉语成语,意思是大家同心协力,就会像城墙一样坚固(united, well be as solid as a fortress)。比喻大家团结一致,就能形成巨大力量,克服一切困难(With concerted effort, people collectively can generate tremendous strength and be able to overco...

  • male chauvinist pig 男性沙文主义猪

    20-09-26 A male chauvinist pig (MCP) was a term used in the 1960s among some feminists for some men, usually men with some power (such as an employer or professor), who believed that men were superior and expressed that opinion freely in word and action. 男...