• 《冰雪奇缘》第14章

    23-01-29 Anna cautiously entered Elsas palace. She found herself in a huge room with an impressive winding staircase leading to a second floor. The palace was gorgeous, but it was absolutely still and eerily quiet. Elsa? Anna called nervously. Its me, Anna....

  • 《超能陆战队》第20章

    23-01-29 Sticking close together, the team crept down the stairwell. Fred chose that time to begin singing. Six intrepid friends led by Fred, their leader. Fred.Freds Angels. Uh-uh-uh. Freds Angels. Uh-uhuh. Harnessing the power of the sun with the ancient a...

  • 《怪兽大学》第26章

    23-01-20 Inside the door lab, Dean Hardscrabble had just pressed her finger on the power button and shut the door down. Don saw the light above the door go out and shouted, Theyre still in there! Until the CDA arrives, this door stays off, Hardscrabble order...

  • 《怪兽大学》第2章

    23-01-18 A three-eyed tour guide met the class in the huge lobby of Monsters, Inc. Serious-looking monsters of every size and description hurried past the group. Mike was impressed. He knew they were all part of the important process of gathering screams and...

  • 我国首个深远海浮式风电平台在青岛完成主体工程建设

    23-01-10 我国首个深远海浮式风电平台海油观澜号在青岛完成主体工程建设。这标志着全球首座水深超百米、离岸距离超百公里的双百海上风电项目建设取得重要进展。 Chinas first deep-sea floating wind power platform, invested in and built by the China National Offshore Oil...

  • 中国正在加快风能和太阳能的发展

    23-01-10 中国正在加快风能和太阳能的发展,以向绿色能源过渡。在近日召开的2023年全国能源工作会议上,国家能源局发布了明年能源工作的重点任务。2023年,我国风电装机规模将达到4.3亿千瓦左右、太阳能发电装机规模达到4.9亿千瓦左右。 China is accelerating wind and solar p...

  • 新增可再生能源消费不纳入能源消费总量控制

    22-11-19 国家发改委网站16日公布《关于进一步做好新增可再生能源消费不纳入能源消费总量控制有关工作的通知》。通知由国家发展改革委、国家统计局、国家能源局联合下发。根据通知,不纳入能源消费总量的可再生能源,现阶段主要包括风电、太阳能发电、水电、生物质发电、地热能...

  • 《赛车总动员》第21章

    22-11-16 Lightning was giving the race everything he had. He was tight on Chicks tail, but Chick was doing everything in his power to block Lightning. There was the grind of scraping metal as the two cars rubbed together. No, you dont Chick snarled. Just the...

  • 我国动力电池装车量快速增长

    22-10-24 中国汽车工业协会最新数据显示,今年9月份,我国动力电池装车量快速增长,新能源汽车产销同比分别增长1.1倍和93.9%,市场占有率达到27.1%。 Chinas installed capacity of power batteries registered rapid growth in September amid a boom in the countrys new ener...