• 充电宝

    21-10-26 充电宝可以说是手机的好朋友,很多人会随身携带,它更多的是一份安全感,充电宝有多种表达: 01 power bank 可以理解为电的银行,也是非常形象的,这个说法更为普遍。 例句: Power banks are popular for charging smart phones, mobile tablet devices, and other US...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 11

    21-10-23 1___ The real centre of power in the British Parliament is ___. A the King or the Queen B the House of Commons C the House of Lords D the Cabinet 2___ The oldest part of British Parliament is ___. A the House of Lords B the House of Commons C the Sh...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 17

    21-10-23 1. Which of the following philosophers ever said I think, therefore I am? A Francis Bacon B Deseartes C Pierre Gassendi D John Locke 2. American Presidents are elected . . A every two years B every four years C every five years D every six years 3....

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 19

    21-10-23 1. American president has the following power except___. A appointing government officials B commanding the armed forces C making foreign policies D interpreting the Constitution 2. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted by the Continental...

  • 英国概况 9

    21-10-14 1. _____ is the key to Industrial Revolution. A. Iron B. Cotton Textile C. Coal mining D. Steam engine 2. _____ became a literary current during the period of the successful Industrial Revolution. A. Criticism B. Modernism C. Romanticism D. Renaissa...

  • 英国概况人文知识 5

    21-10-05 1. Which of the following is the British oldest daily newspaper? A. The Telegraph B. The Guardian C. The News of the World D. The Times 2. The river Thames is in _____. A. Wales B. Scotland C. England D. Northern Ireland 3. The Industrial Revolution...

  • 和“购物”有关的英语表达

    21-10-02 每年十一月,国内有双十一狂欢节,而在英国,月末会迎来名为黑色星期五Black Friday的购物日。大家趁各种促销活动之际,加入到购物潮中去,为即将到来的圣诞节买礼物、做准备 。你知道哪些和购物 shopping有关的小常识?砍价用英语怎么说?做《英语小测验》寻找答案吧...

  • knowledge is power 知识就是力量

    21-09-25 表达 knowledge is power 用来比喻 多掌握知识、接受更多教育,能够增加某人成功的概率,即所谓的 知识就是力量。 例句 Barbara wanted to work in marketing. Shes taking a course to help her get a new job. Knowledge is power! 芭芭拉想在市场营销行业工作。她正...

  • 理想的午睡时间是20-25分钟

    21-09-14 很多人都有午睡的习惯,午睡有不少好处,比如提升记忆力、创造力,但如果方式不对,也会带来不良影响。 并不是睡得越久越好 The ideal nap length, according to scientists, is 20 to 25 minutes. Any longer and youll fall into a deeper sleep cycle, which lasts...

  • power lunch 午餐会

    21-08-11 power lunch是午餐会,指公司人员(通常是高层)在吃午餐时开的会(an occasion at which people eat lunch while they are working and talking about business)。 例句: Were discussing the possibilities of a company merger over a power lunch this afternoon...