• national population census 全国人口普查

    20-11-05 11月1日,第七次全国人口普查正式开启现场登记,700多万普查人员走入千家万户,登记普查信息。自上世纪90年代以来,中国每10年进行一次全国人口普查。 China started its seventh national population census on Nov 1, with about 7 million census takers going door...

  • 新冠抗体的覆盖率正在下降

    20-10-29 Researchers in the United Kingdom say theyve observed a significant decline in the percentage of the population with COVID-19 antibodies, potentially pointing to waning immunity. 英国的研究人员称,他们观察到拥有新冠病毒抗体的人口比例大幅下降,这可能...

  • 科学家发现控制蚊子数量新方法

    19-07-30 Chinese scientists have developed a new method to control the population of mosquitoes, the Science and Technology Daily reported Monday. 《科技日报》周一报道,中国科学家发现一种控制蚊子数量的新方法。 Scientists from the Sun Yat-Sen University have...

  • 2018山东出生率大幅度下降

    19-03-04 Shandong, the eastern Chinese province known for its high birth rate, reported a substantial drop in its new births and birth rates last year, local authorities have said. 以高生育率著名的山东省2018年新出生人口和出生率大幅度下降。 The Shandong Burea...

  • parasite singles 单身寄生族

    17-06-03 Millions of middle-aged singles in Japan still live with their elderly parents and depend on them financially, research has revealed, contributing to the countys falling birth rate and ageing population. 调查显示,日本有数百万中年单身族依然与年迈的...

  • 维生素B族可减轻PM2.5造成的健康损伤

    17-03-20 Vitamin B could help mitigate the effects of the most dangerous type of air pollution, according to a new study published Monday. 上周一发布的一项新研究表明,B族维生素可减轻危害最大的空气污染物的影响。 In the first study of its kind, a team of inter...

  • 西班牙任命首位“房事部长”挽救出生率下降

    17-03-10 Spain has appointed its first Minister of Sex whose job will be to get people busy between the sheets. 西班牙任命首位房事部长,其职责就是让人们多多滚床单。 The government hopes to boost Spains falling birth rate, which is one of the lowest in the de...

  • 中国将举办抗沙漠化联合国会议

    17-01-23 China is to host a United Nations meeting on fighting desertification in September, an official said Sunday. 中国将于今年9月举行一场对抗沙漠化的联合国会议。 About 1,400 delegates from 195 parties to a UN special convention on desertification will ga...

  • 早期农业发展之前人口已激增

    16-08-03 University of Utah anthropologists counted the number of carbon-dated artifacts at archaeological sites and concluded that a population boom and scarce food explain why people in eastern North America domesticated plants for the first time on the co...

  • 全球生物多样性低于“安全水平”

    16-07-16 Levels of global biodiversity loss may negatively impact on ecosystem function and the sustainability of human societies, according to UCL-led research. This is the first time weve quantified the effect of habitat loss on biodiversity globally in su...