• “人口普查”词汇

    11-08-31 nationwide population census 全国人口普查 sex ratio 性比率 sampling survey 抽样调查 random sampling 随机抽样 questionaire 调查表 place of birth 出生地 date of birth 出生日期 sampling error 抽样误差 migration 迁居 emigration 迁出、移居国外 immigratio...

  • 今年十月世界人口将达70亿

    11-07-25 A little over a decade ago, the worlds population stood at 6billion. By the end of October, it will reach 7 billion. 十多年前,世界人口达到了60亿。而到今年十月底,这个数字将会变成70亿。 With five babies being born every second, 78 million people are...

  • 美国猎豹阿玛尼产下五只幼仔

    11-06-12 Five cheetah(猎豹) cubs were born May 28 to 6-year-old Amani at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Va. Amani is a dedicated mother according to keepers, who have observed her nursing and grooming the cubs. This litter i...

  • 中国人口日趋城镇化、老龄化

    11-04-28 China's census shows its population grew to 1.34 billion people by 2010, with a sharp rise in those over 60. 中国人口普查结果显示,中国人口在2010年就已达到13.4亿,超过60岁的老年人口数量急剧上升。 Nearly half of all Chinese now live in cities and peo...

  • 印度公布境内野生老虎数量

    11-03-29 The Indian Government today released new tiger population numbers for the first time since 2007, indicating that numbers have increased in the country that has half of the world's remaining wild tigers. The government estimated current tiger numbers...

  • 山原猫活动范围不限于安第斯山脉

    11-03-17 Once thought to exclusively inhabit its namesake(名义,同名物) mountain range, the threatened Andean cata house cat-sized feline(猫科动物) that resembles a small snow leopard in both appearance and habitatalso frequents the Patagonian steppe(大...

  • 中国成人文盲数位列世界第八

    11-03-05 联合国教科文组织本周二发布的一份报告称,在全世界文盲率最高的十个国家中,中国的成人文盲数位列第八。 International concern has grown over the illiteracy(文盲,无知) and education inequality found in China, said a senior official of the United Nation...

  • 2050年地球可能会“面目全非”

    11-02-23 A growing, more affluent population competing for ever scarcer resources could make for an unrecognizable world by 2050, researchers warned at a major US science conference Sunday. 上周日,研究人员在一个大型美国科学会议上警告说,随着地球人口越来越多...

  • 海牛亚种差异性显著

    10-09-14 The first genetic study to compare nuclear DNA of endangered Antillean manatees(海牛) in Belize with Florida manatees confirmed their designation as separate subspecies(亚种) . Belize's manatees, however, were found to have extremely low genetic...

  • 废止出生公民权 美国非法人口将猛涨

    10-09-09 Repeal(废除,撤销) of birthright citizenship for the U.S.-born children of unauthorized immigrants would expand the nation's unauthorized population by at least 5 million over the next decade, according to a new report from the Migration Policy In...