• 美国未来人口分布模型

    15-01-21 Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a population distribution model that provides unprecedented county-level predictions of where people will live in the U.S. in the coming decades. Initially develo...

  • 地中海鲨鱼群被高度分化

    14-11-14 Shark populations in the Mediterranean are highly divided, an international team of scientists, led by Dr Andrew Griffiths of the University of Bristol, has shown. Many previous studies on sharks suggest they move over large distances. But catsharks...

  • 控制人口数量不会显著改善全球可持续性问题

    14-10-30 New multi-scenario modelling of world human population has concluded that even stringent fertility restrictions or a catastrophic mass mortality would not bring about large enough change this century to solve issues of global sustainability. Publish...

  • 全世界每天有2000公顷土地盐碱化

    14-10-30 Every day for more than 20 years, an average of 2,000 hectares of irrigated land in arid and semi-arid areas across 75 countries have been degraded by salt, according to a study by UN University's Canadian-based Institute for Water, Environment and...

  • 安倍晋三期待国内女性帮他振兴经济

    14-09-30 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe included five women in his second Cabinet nine days before the World Assembly for Women convened in Tokyo on Friday. 日本首相安倍晋三刚刚改组的内阁中女阁僚人数达到5人。此时,距将在东京召开的全球女性领袖国际论坛(女...

  • 拉美国家贫困率有所下降

    14-08-27 More than 56 million people have been lifted out of poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean in recent years, according to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 联合国开发计划署称,最近几年拉丁美洲和加勒比海域有超过5600万人摆脱了贫困。...

  • 2050年1/3英国人口将是黑人或少数族裔

    14-05-16 Up to a third of the population will be black or from another ethnic minority by 2050, new research forecasts today. 新研究预测,到2050年英国将有三分之一的人口为黑人或者其他少数族裔。 There are currently eight million non-white people - 14% of the t...

  • 捕食者与猎物间的平衡关系

    14-05-07 A team of U.K. researchers has developed a way to dramatically reduce the complexity of modeling bistable(双稳定的) systems which involve the interaction of two evolving species where one changes faster than the other (slow-fast systems). Describe...

  • 古代定居点与现代城市有相同的发展规则

    14-02-15 Recently derived equations(导出方程) that describe development patterns in modern urban areas appear to work equally well to describe ancient cities settled thousands of years ago, according to a new study led by a researcher at the University of...

  • Elegy

    13-10-29 Elegy Vijay Seshadri I've been asked to instruct you about the town you've gone to, where I've never been. The cathedral is worth looking at, but the streets are narrow, uneven(不平坦的) , and a little grim. The river is sluggish(萧条的) in the...