• 濒危黑脉金斑蝶数量有望在墨西哥恢复

    22-12-31 Monarchs rarely give up their thrones willingly, and these monarch butterflies are no exception. Theyre currently endangered after a big drop in their migratory population. Scientists believe climate change, pesticides and illegal logging are threat...

  • 11月15日 地球人口步入“80亿时代”

    22-11-19 据联合国《世界人口展望2022》报告称,11月15日,地球人口步入80亿时代。人口数量增加,从一个侧面反映了人类文明的进步,与此同时,资源消耗、环境污染、城市化等因素正带来持续生态压力。 The world population hit 8 billion on Tuesday, according to the United N...

  • 今年全球人口将突破80亿

    22-08-19 联合国一份有关人口趋势的报告显示,2023年印度预计将超过中国,成为世界上人口最多的国家。与此同时,该报告还指出,世界人口将在今年11月15日达到80亿,到2050年将达到97亿,但由于许多国家的生育率下降,全球人口增长速度正处于1950年以来的最低水平。 The earth is...

  • 跟踪南冰洋附近迁徙的鲸鱼

    22-01-22 In New Zealand, southern right whales were hunted to near extinction about a century ago. Since that time, the population has slowly recovered. 在新西兰,南露脊鲸在大约一个世纪前被捕杀至濒临灭绝。但自那时起,其数量就缓慢回升。 Dr Emma Carroll, Unive...

  • 世卫组织:未来欧洲一半人口将感染奥密克戎变异毒株

    22-01-21 The World Health Organization has warned that half of Europe will have caught the Omicron Covid-19 variant within the next six to eight weeks. 世界卫生组织警告,在未来6到8周内,欧洲一半人口将感染奥密克戎变异毒株。 The projection was based on the sev...