• 戴妃生前照片中神秘男子曝光

    13-01-10 The mystery man pictured with an 18-year-old Lady Diana Spencer has been unmasked as aristocrat Adam Russell. 和18岁的戴安娜斯宾塞女爵合照的神秘男子日前曝光,原来是一位名叫亚当拉塞尔的贵族。 The man pictured with Lady Diana Spencer on a ski holiday...

  • 摄影师拍地铁撞人照片引争议

    12-12-08 The man in the picture has his back to the camera. He's desperately clawing at a subway platform, looking right at the train that's bearing down on him as he stands on the tracks. 照片中的这名男子背对着镜头,绝望地用手抓住地铁站台,站在铁轨上,眼睛...

  • My Cyber Love

    12-10-15 I have frequented the same chat line for more than 3 years now and have made some wonderful online friendships. However, I had become bored with the typical chat and the Internet all together. So, I decided to take a break. After about a week of bei...

  • 科学家拍摄到单个原子的影子照片

    12-07-04 In an international scientific breakthrough, a Griffith University research team has been able to photograph the shadow of a single atom for the first time. We have reached the extreme limit of microscopy(显微镜学) ; you can not see anything small...

  • Facebook中的照片透露着文化差异

    12-06-06 For millions of Facebook users, choosing which photo to use for an online profile is an important decision. Should it be lighthearted or professional, personal or more abstract? According to a study by researchers at the UT Dallas Center for Vital L...

  • 《时代》封面3岁儿童吃母乳照片引争议

    12-05-18 Shocking or no big deal? A woman breastfeeding her 3-year-old son is the cover photo of this week's Time magazine for a story on attachment parenting, and reactions ranged from applause to cringing to shrugs. 感到震惊还是觉得没什么大不了?本周《时代...

  • 越战摄影师霍斯特·法斯离世

    12-05-11 Celebrated combat photographer Horst Faas, who covered the Vietnam War for the Associated Press, has died aged 79, his daughter says. 为美联社报道越南战争的著名战地摄影师霍斯特法斯逝世,享年79岁。 Faas spent eight years in Vietnam at the height of t...

  • 科学家发现凝胶片生产新工艺

    12-03-12 Inspired by nature's ability to shape a petal(花瓣) , and building on simple techniques used in photolithography(照相平印术) and printing, researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have developed a new tool for manufacturing three-d...

  • doctored picture 伪造照片

    12-01-30 Government of Huili county, Southwest China's Sichuan province apologized for posing a doctored picture of its officials on Monday, Xinhua News Agency reported. 据新华社的报道,四川会理县政府周一为会理县官员上传伪造照片一事致歉。 上文报道中的doctore...

  • self-snapshot 自拍

    11-12-27 Cheung also reportedly snapped a photo of them together with her mobile phone, and they appeared to exchange numbers. 据报道,张柏芝还用手机和陈冠希自拍了合照,似乎他们还交换了手机号码。 文中的snap a photo of them together就是指自拍,也可以说成use a...