• 每天拍照分享能提升幸福感

    20-08-27 A new study published in the journal Health found that taking a photo (any photo) every day and sharing it online improves your well-being. 发表在《健康》杂志上的一项新研究发现,每天拍照(任何照片)并在网上分享出来能提高幸福感。 Researchers found th...

  • 雅加达举行香港回归20周年照片展览

    17-06-21 A photo exhibition was held in Jakarta Tuesday to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Hong Kongs return to China. 本周二,雅加达正在举办一场照片展览,纪念香港回归20周年。 Organized by Chinese embassy in Indonesia, the exhibition displayed nearly 40 bi...

  • 加拿大男子淡定面对龙卷风 自顾自推车除草

    17-06-10 A picture of a man in Canada calmly mowing his lawn with a menacing tornado swirling in the background has gone viral on social media. 身后龙卷风疯狂肆虐,但加拿大一名男子仍在镇定自若地修剪自家草坪的照片近日在网络上走红。 Theunis Wessels was fully a...

  • 米歇尔最新自来卷发型火了

    17-04-23 A photo of Michelle Obama rockin her hair natural popped up on Twitter this week, unleashing lots of applause -- and shrugs from people who dont understand why anyone wants to talk about her hair. 本周,一张米歇尔奥巴马顶着一头自来卷的照片出现在推特...

  • 15个流行语的英文怎么说

    17-03-07 1. steal the show 抢风头 也可用 steal the thunder 代替,不过steal the thunder 除了抢风头外,还有窃取他人创意或点子的意思。 2. go nuts 要疯了 工作让人抓狂、消息让人疯掉等情景都可以使用,除了go nuts也可以用 go crazy。 3. suck it up 忍着点 工作不顺利、...

  • 摄影教授每天坚持自拍30年

    17-03-05 Long before they were called selfies, Karl Baden snapped a simple black and white photo of himself. Then he repeated it every day for the next three decades. 在自拍出现前,卡尔-拜登就每天拍下1张自己的黑白照片,接下来30年,他每天都这样做。 Badens Eve...

  • 日本女学生与元朝公主撞脸

    16-12-26 A girl got more than she bargained for when she found her royal doppelganger during a school trip. 一个女孩在参加学校旅行期间意外发现了她的皇室前世。 Twitter user Yuki took a selfie in front of a portrait, which showcased her resemblance to a Mongol...

  • Mom's Smile

    16-08-11 Its an old photograph with bad composition and lousy color. The edges are curled up and brown. But none of that matters. The photo is laced with poignant memories so vivid that when my gaze slides across it, tears prick at the backs of my eyes. I am...

  • 里约奥运会筹备工作堪忧

    16-07-26 This photo, which shows a woman sleeping in front of a tunnel painted with the 2016 Olympics slogan -- A New World -- has absolutely taken over Facebook in Brazil. 一张照片在巴西火了。这张发布于脸书的照片里,一位妇女躺在张贴有2016年巴西奥运会口号一...

  • 贝嫂亲吻女儿嘴唇照片引争议

    16-07-17 Victoria Beckham is under fire for posting a photo kissing her 5-year-old daughter, Harper, on the lips. 维多利亚贝克汉姆晒出亲吻5岁女儿哈珀嘴唇的照片,由此引火上身。 Beckham posted the photo for her daughters birthday, writing Happy Birthday baby g...