• 让人备感困惑的一张照片

    15-10-05 This holiday snap of a little girl has left thousands of people confused as to whether she is underwater, or jumping into a pool. 这张小女孩的旅游快照让数千人备感困惑她到底是一直在水中?还是刚刚跳进泳池? The picture was posted on photo-sharing webs...

  • 女性通常会对第六张自拍照最满意

    15-05-02 Women typically take and delete five pictures before settling on a selfie they feel comfortable posting online, a survey found. 一项调查发现,女性每每需要拍摄并删除五张自拍照,才能最终拍出一张自己觉得舒服的照片发在网上。 And men are happy only on th...

  • 囧脸喵星人走红网络

    15-03-13 A moggy with his own Facebook page and Instagram account is taking the internet by storm thanks to his expressive eyebrows. 一只拥有传神竖眉毛的小囧猫正在迅速成为网络新宠,它在脸书和Instagram上的照片席卷网络。 Curious-looking Sam has racked up 150,0...

  • 未来自拍照片可以创建银行账户

    15-02-13 Customers at Lloyds will soon be able to set up an account or take out a credit card by sending a photo of themselves from their smartphone or tablet. 不久的将来,劳埃德银行的客户可以通过他们的智能手机或平板电脑上传自己的个人相片,以创建银行账户或是...

  • 詹妮弗·劳伦斯首次就艳照被窃事件表态

    14-10-21 Jennifer Lawrence is making no apologies about keeping naked pictures of herself on her computer. 詹妮弗劳伦斯首次就艳照被窃事件表态,她表示,这不是丑闻,而是性犯罪。 But the 24-year-old actress is hitting back at the hackers who stole the provocati...

  • photato 上镜的土豆

    14-10-15 Photato (Photogenic Potato) refers to someone that looks good in a photo, but looks ugly in person. 上镜的土豆指的就是那些本人长得并不出众,却很上镜的人。 She might be someone with a small face, or a slim body, or someone who is relaxed with the cam...

  • photo-taking impairment effect 拍照效应

    14-07-22 A psychology professor suggests that as people take more photos, they experience less and remember fewer details about what they had taken photos of. This is what she called a photo-taking impairment effect . 一位心理学家指出,人们拍的照片越多,他们...

  • 英国女王迎来88岁生日

    14-04-27 A portrait of the Queen by British photographer David Bailey has been released in honour of her 88th birthday on Monday. 4月21日是英国女王伊丽莎白二世88岁的生日,此前一天,英国王室公布了女王的最新肖像照以示庆祝。 David Bailey's portrait was taken at...

  • legsie 腿部自拍

    14-03-06 A legsie is a photo, usually taken on your mobile phone, that you take by tucking the device under your chin and pointing it towards your outstretched legs whilst relaxing. The legsie has two key facets: first, the legs themselves, their bronzed aur...

  • food porn 食色图片

    13-11-12 Food porn refers to images of food that looks delicious. We first eat with our eyes, as the saying goes, and it really seems to be true. Restaurants, television advertisements, billboards and more use the images of food to awaken our taste buds. 食...