• 2030年中国将成世界上最大的石油消费国

    14-11-14 International Energy Agency(IEA) has released a report called World Energy Outlook 2014, showing that China will surpass America to become the largest oil consumer in 2030. 国际能源总署发布一份报告《2014世界能源展望》,称中国将在2030年超过美国成为世...

  • 《舌尖上的中国》S2E2中的美食

    14-04-30 Fried beef dumpling 牛肉锅贴 Double cooked pork slices 回锅肉 Rapeseed Oil 菜籽油 Fried rice crust 油炸锅巴 Red oil 红油 shredded pork with garlic sauce 蒜泥白肉 Pig ears dressed with sause 凉拌猪耳 Chongqing small noodles 重庆小面 Suzhou noodles st...

  • Lessons in Darkness

    14-03-13 Lessons in Darkness Peter Gizzi Those notes are fetching(迷人的) when they touch the ear. It's true, there are more tears in sand than water. Come out and play, the song's refrain in my head, my sawdust showing. My heart, your eyes is what the day...

  • 大麻油或将用于烹饪

    14-02-11 Scientists at the University of York today report the development of hemp(大麻) plants with a dramatically increased content of oleic acid(油酸) . The new oil profile results in an attractive cooking oil that is similar to olive oil in terms of...

  • 木星上炸薯条最好吃

    14-01-10 为研究不同重力条件下的油炸薯条味道,改善未来宇航员的太空食物,欧洲的研究人员花近百万英镑进行研究,最终得出结论:木星上炸薯条最好吃。 European Space Agency (ESA) cut potatoes into thin sticks and then deep fried them in extra-virgin olive oil(特级初...

  • 伊朗富翁巴巴克·赞贾尼被捕

    13-12-31 The billionaire Iranian businessman Babak Zanjani has been arrested, state media report. 伊朗官方媒体报道,亿万富翁巴巴克赞贾尼被捕。 Mr Zanjani has denied withholding oil revenue In September, Iran's parliament began investigating his business deal...

  • 杜松精油的特性

    13-09-05 Throughout the western United States, Canada, and Mexico, Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum Sarg.) is known for its pleasant fragrance(香味,芬芳) and valuable wood. The juniper's woodhighly valued for its durability, rich color, and pl...

  • 刚果维龙加国家公园面临石油勘测威胁

    13-08-01 The conservation group WWF is calling on a UK-based company to abandon its plans to explore for oil in Africa's oldest national park. 世界野生动物基金呼吁一家英国公司放弃在非洲最古老的国家公园开采石油的计划。 The charity says Soco International's pr...

  • 棉花可用于处理石油泄漏

    13-05-17 With the Deepwater Horizon disaster emphasizing the need for better ways of cleaning up oil spills, scientists are reporting that unprocessed, raw cotton may be an ideal, ecologically friendly answer, with an amazing ability to sop up(吸水) oil. T...

  • 南苏丹重新开始开采石油

    13-04-07 South Sudan has restarted oil production, more than a year after it was halted by disputes with its neighbour Sudan. 南苏丹已开始进行石油开采,此前曾因与苏丹的纠纷停产一年多。 The two countries, which formally split in 2011, agreed to resume transfe...