• 化妆品的小秘密

    20-12-09 Have you ever gone out without putting your face on? Whether its a dash of foundation or a full application of lipstick, blusher or mascara, many would consider make-up essential before being seen. According to a survey by Fragrance Direct, a leadin...

  • 不起眼的茶包

    20-12-01 Are you a tea drinker? If so, youre not alone. Every day around the world millions of cups of this popular brew are drunk, and its been that way for thousands of years. The oldest discovered tea is from the Han Dynasty, dating from 206BC to 220AD. B...

  • 我要熬夜工作、学习

    20-11-26 1. Im burning the midnight oil. 我在熬夜加班工作。 Burn the midnight oil 烧午夜的灯油 这个表达很形象,形容人挑灯熬夜的样子。 2. Ill have to pull an all-nighter. 我得熬通宵了。熬通宵的英语说法是to pull an all-nighter。 3. Im working till the small ho...

  • 本周三油价将降低

    19-06-12 China will reduce the retail prices of gasoline and diesel starting Wednesday. 本周三开始中国将降低汽油和柴油的零售价。 Based on changes in international oil prices, the retail prices of gasoline and diesel will be reduced by 465 yuan (about 67.46 U...

  • 中国与伊朗的合作应得到尊重与保护

    19-04-24 Chinas cooperation with Iran is legitimate, and must be respected and protected, said Geng Shuang, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, on Tuesday. 中国外交部发言人耿爽周二表示,中国与伊朗的合作是合法的,理应得到尊重和保护。 On Monday, t...

  • 中国一月原油产量小幅增长

    19-03-05 Official data shows Chinas crude oil output edged up 0.3 percent year-on-year in January. 中国一月份原油产量年同比小幅增长0.3%。 Crude oil output came in at 16 million tons, while 50 million tons of crude were refined, up 2 percent year on year. Chi...

  • 渤海发现大型油气田

    19-02-26 China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) announced on Monday that high-quality and high-yield oil flow has been discovered in its Bozhong 19-6 gas field, located in the Bozhong Sag in the Bohai Sea area, China Central Televison reported. 中国...

  • 上海加油站将供应地沟油生物柴油

    18-02-12 Biodiesel combined with gutter oil and diesel will be offered at nearly 200 gas stations in Shanghai by the end of the year, local authorities have said. 上海市政府表示,今年底上海市将有近200家加油站供应由地沟油和柴油混合而来的生物柴油。 The biodies...

  • 中石化收购雪佛龙在南非的石油资产

    17-03-23 China Petrochemical Corp. (Sinopec Group) confirmed on Wednesday a further step to its global expansion plan: a roughly $900 million agreement signed with Chevron Corp. to buy the latters South African oil assets. 中石化集团周三确认其全球化扩张的进...

  • 原油会使黑线鳕鱼发生致命畸形

    16-08-11 Even brief exposures of the eggs of Atlantic haddock to low concentrations of dispersed crude oil can cause severe and usually deadly deformities in developing fish, an international research team has found. The findings indicate that oil spills at...