• 10个与音乐相关的习语

    14-09-15 1. Elevator Music Pleasant and sometimes annoying music that is played in public places Elevator Music 在公共场合播放的愉快的、有时是恼人的音乐 Apart from finding shopping malls boring, Keith finds the elevator music that is played particularly irri...

  • 英国研究人员设计出完美的购物音乐

    14-08-29 Listening to football, noisy restaurants and our favourite tunes on the radio have helped create the perfect shopping music. 英国金史密斯学院的研究人员设计了一首完美的购物音乐,帮助购物者避免下错单。 These are some of the top things that help us mak...

  • Half Price 半价

    14-06-17 Jack: My daughter's music lessons are a fortune to me. John: How is that? Jack: They enabled me to buy the neighbor's houses at half price. 杰克:我女儿的音乐课对我来说是一笔财富。 约翰:怎么说? 杰克:这让我用半价买下了邻居的房子。...

  • 苹果30亿美元收购Beats

    14-05-29 Apple has confirmed it will buy headphone maker and music-streaming service provider Beats Electronics. 苹果公司证实,将收购耳机制造商以及音乐流媒体服务提供商Beats Electronics。 The deal is worth a total of $3bn, and is thought to be Apple's largest...

  • All Except the Music 除了音乐

    14-03-12 A keen young teacher wanted to introduce her class to the glories of classical music, so she arranged an outing to an afternoon concert. To make the occasion even more memorable, she treated everyone to lemonade, cake, chocs and ices. Just as the pa...

  • 处理语音与音乐的脑电路相同

    14-02-25 The brains of jazz musicians engrossed in spontaneous, improvisational(即兴的) musical conversation showed robust activation of brain areas traditionally associated with spoken language and syntax, which are used to interpret the structure of phra...

  • 欣赏数学之美的大脑区域与音乐艺术相同

    14-02-14 People who appreciate the beauty of mathematics activate the same part of their brain when they look at aesthetically pleasing formula as others do when appreciating art or music, suggesting that there is a neurobiological basis to beauty. There are...

  • 90岁纳粹屠杀幸存者与马友友同台演出

    13-11-03 A 90-year-old Holocaust survivor will make his orchestral debut with renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma on Tuesday to benefit a foundation dedicated to preserving the work of artists and musicians killed by the Nazis. 一名90岁的纳粹大屠杀幸存者当天在波士顿交...

  • 地下丝绒乐队前主唱卢·里德逝世

    13-10-28 US singer and former Velvet Underground frontman Lou Reed has died at the age of 71. 美国歌手、地下丝绒乐队前主唱卢里德逝世,时年71岁。 Known for tracks including Perfect Day and Walk on the Wild Side, Reed was considered one of the most influential...

  • 牛津字典收录性感新词“电臀舞”

    13-08-30 牛津英语在线字典在最新公布的季度新词词库中收录了表示性感电臀舞的twerking一词。字典编纂方表示,在过去12个月当中,美国流行歌手麦莉赛勒斯凭借电臀舞顺利蹿升至排行榜首位,同时也让这个词被更多人熟知。 Twerking, the rump-busting up-and-down dance move long...