• 《怪兽大学》第20章

    23-01-19 It was late when Mike piled all the Oozmas into Ms. Squibbless car with Ms. Squibbless driving. After a long drive, Mike told her to pull into a dark parking lot. Thanks, Mom! Squishy said as the group climbed out and stretched. Ms. Squibbles waved....

  • 《赛车总动员》第5章

    22-11-16 Lightning kept Mack company for a short while, until he fell asleep. Mack traveled the endless miles alone. The lines dividing the lanes rolled like ribbons under his tires, and soon he felt his headlights drooping. Mack was desperately trying to sh...

  • Fenty 芬蒂

    22-10-12 本月早期,美国歌手蕾哈娜推出了自有品牌化妆品Fenty Beauty,人们对其品牌的赞颂一直喧嚣尘上。Fenty取自蕾哈娜的姓Robyn Rihanna Fenty。这两周,网上不断传言这位超级巨星还将跨界到护肤品行业,甚至是葡萄酒和烈酒行业,于是社交媒体上充斥着大量的Fenty。 i cant...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 13

    22-09-14 Johnny Fontane sat in the huge recording studio and figured costs on a yellow pad. Musicians were filing in, all of them friends he had known since he was a kid singer with the bands. The conductor, top man in the business of pop accompaniment and a...

  • 《头脑特工队》第16章

    22-09-06 Chapter 16 There go the core memories, Joy whispered to Sadness. The guards opened the heavy door and a spooky light spilled out along with the frightening sounds of thunder, howling, screaming, roars, and circus music. I cant go in there. Im scared...

  • 高分贝噪音的危险

    22-05-18 你常去听演唱会吗?你喜欢戴耳机听歌吗?优美的旋律能放松心情,但如果音量太高,就可能会损坏听力。 Many of us love live music listening to the singer belting out classics we love to sing along to. But while it can be lots of fun nodding our heads to the...

  • face the music 面对现实

    22-05-11 (To) Face the music 从字面意思来看,这个俚语表示转身面向音乐的方向,但如果你的朋友或父母告诉你face the music,它有一个更严肃的意思。它表示面对现实,或者处理现实的情况,接受所有或好或坏的结果(大部分都是坏的)。或许因为你不确定或害怕结果逃避了某些事...

  • 听悲伤的音乐可以治愈受伤的心灵

    22-05-06 虽然五月天劝告我们,伤心的人别听慢歌,可是还是有很多深受情伤的男男女女一边听着悲伤的音乐,一边默默落泪。那么伤心时到底应不应该听慢歌?心理学研究给出了答案:听悲伤的音乐可以治愈受伤的心灵,帮助你尽快走出阴霾。 A broken heart. A sad ending to a love a...