• 音乐品味可以透露出人的性格信息

    18-06-03 Whether you prefer sophisticated or simple music could reveal a lot about your personality. 你对复杂音乐或者简单音乐的喜好可以透露关于你性格的大量信息。 If you like simple acoustic tunes, you are likely to be talkative and energetic, and if youre an...

  • 研究:看演唱会能延寿

    18-04-14 A new study suggests that fortnightly gig attendance extends life expectancy by nine years. 一项新的研究表明,每两周听一次演唱会能将寿命延长9年。 In fact, just 20 minutes at a concert can increase your wellbeing by 21 percent -- compared to 10 perce...

  • 腾讯音乐和网易云音乐共享歌曲版权

    18-02-11 Two online music firms in China, Tencent Music and NetEase Music, have signed a copyright contract to share 99% of each of their songs, reports the Peoples Daily. 《人民日报》报道,腾讯音乐和网易云音乐签署一份共享99%歌曲的版权协议。 The National Cop...

  • 盲人少年王子安皇家伯明翰音乐学院录取

    18-01-10 Wang Zian, an 18-year-old blind teenager in Baiyun District, southern Chinas Guangdong Province, was enrolled by the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, one of the top music colleges in the United Kingdom, after several years of efforts, dayoo.com repor...

  • Walkman effect 随身听效应

    17-09-14 Walkman effect refers to the disengagement from surrounding public space caused by the use of technology, such as a portable music player. 随身听效应指的是由于使用便携式音乐播放器等科技产品,使人们从周围的公共环境中脱离出来。 The Walkman Effect is t...

  • 蔡健雅重回环球音乐

    17-07-24 Singaporean singer and songwriter Tanya Chua has recently signed on with the Universal Music Record Company, hoping the company will help her kick off a new start for her exploration in the world of music. 新加坡歌手、曲作家蔡健雅最近与环球音乐唱片...

  • 土耳其音乐节引来汪星人欣赏

    17-07-15 When the world-renowned Vienna Chamber Orchestra was recently performing at the 31st International Izmir Festival in Turkey, their concert was unexpectedly interrupted by a random dog. The canine walked on the stage, got the best seats, and made its...

  • 环球唱片与腾讯达成分流协议

    17-05-19 The worlds largest music company, Universal, has agreed a deal to allow its content to be streamed on Tencent. 世界最大的音乐公司环球唱片同意向腾讯流媒体分享其作品。 Tencent is a Chinese company that is also one of the worlds largest publishers of v...

  • 内蒙古举行建区70周年庆祝

    17-05-02 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the first province-level autonomous region established in China, celebrated its 70th birthday with a gala Monday. 中国首个省级自治区内蒙古自治区周一举行建区70周年庆祝。 More than 1,000 people dressed in traditional...

  • 几个与派对有关的词组

    17-04-11 Party pooper A party pooper指的是(社交场合)令人扫兴的人,搅局者。这是一种源于美国的俚语。 例句:John is such a party pooper. Why does he have to turn the music down so low? 约翰真是个让人扫兴的搅局者。他为什么把音乐音量调得如此之低? Party animal 如...