• 夏日南亭怀辛大

    21-06-16 夏日南亭怀辛大 Thinking of Xin the First: the Southern Pavilion, Summer 孟浩然 山光忽西落,池月渐东上。 散发乘夕凉,开轩卧闲敞。 荷风送香气,竹露滴清响。 欲取鸣琴弹,恨无知音赏。 感此怀故人,中宵劳梦想。 Westward, the mountain light dips out; a pond...

  • 音乐磁带再度流行

    21-06-15 爱听音乐的大有人在,但大家都是怎么听音乐的?当下,在线播放可能是最流行的收听方式,但与此同时,一些怀旧科技却重新流行了起来。 How do you consume your music? What format do you listen to it on? Technology now allows us to stream and download our favou...

  • 几个英语中的外来词

    21-04-15 1 Babushka (from Russian) 祖母,外婆,婆婆头巾(俄语) 在俄语中,这个词表示祖母,外婆,但在英语中它通常指一块围巾或头巾,你可以想象一下一位俄罗斯老婆婆戴的那种。所以一个女生或女士将围巾围在头上,有时候人们会戏称她们是老婆婆。 例句: I saw an old lady...

  • 脑海里的旋律

    21-02-28 Its party season and many of us will be dancing , eating and drinking too much. After a night of singing to catchy tunes from the charts, many of us will wake up with the music playing over and over in our heads. Some songs will never go away. A sur...

  • 儿时游戏 再度流行

    21-02-27 Fashion and music are constantly looking back to the past. But would you be interested in retro video games? If so, you are part of a growing trend. Vintage video games are making their way back into living rooms. There is already a large market for...

  • 为大众上演的音乐会

    21-02-27 Are you one of those people who find the world of Western classical music a bit snobbish and inaccessible? The Proms or the BBC Promenade Concerts to give the worlds largest music festival its full name - might help you change your mind. For eight w...

  • 男性会跳舞吗?

    21-02-10 市场调研机构 YouGov 替 BBC 体育电台做了一份就男性是否跳舞的调查。在参加调查的一千名男性中,有超过三成的男性说他们几乎从来没有跳过舞。导致这一现象的原因到底是男性不会跳舞,还是他们不想跳舞? Are men able to dance? Well, if I am an example, then no I...

  • Muxica

    21-01-20 Muxica Alberto Ros The border fence, The crossing chain links, the twisted wires: The fence is strung like two harps At cross-purposes, Two harps at the same time: One with its strings up and down, The other with its strings sideways. To make music...

  • 未来的零花钱

    21-01-02 There are many things we remember from our childhood the games we played, the music we listened to; but what about earning pocket money? This was our first ever wage for completing tasks such as tidying our bedroom or sorting the laundry. Our reward...

  • 悲伤还是快乐——你喜欢哪种音乐?

    20-12-09 What would life be like without music? Songs and tunes fill our lives, affecting our emotions, bringing back memories and sometimes making us dance. There is a song for everyone and for every occasion, but it seems that its sad music that moves us m...