• 音乐如何通行于世界各地

    20-12-04 Cultures all over the world have different kinds of music in each society, but what this means is when you zoom out, societys musical behaviors are pretty similar, says lead author Sam Mehr, a psychologist at Harvard. 哈佛大学心理学家、论文第一作者...

  • 《Crazy Heart》疯狂的心

    20-11-28 Crazy Heart is a 2009 American drama film, written and directed by Scott Cooper and based on the 1987 novel of the same name by Thomas Cobb. Jeff Bridges plays a down-and-out country music singer-songwriter who tries to turn his life around after be...

  • elevator music 公共场所连续播放的背景音乐

    20-11-18 Elevator music(电梯音乐) 是一个实用短语,用来描述 电梯、餐厅、商店等公共场所中连续播放的背景音乐。这类背景音乐通常是预先录制的柔和爵士乐。人们多以带有负面色彩的语气使用 elevator music 来描述 音乐是平淡无奇的、单调乏味的。 例句 The new restaurant i...

  • 工作时听古典音乐可以提高效率

    19-12-05 The next time youre struggling to finish up a task at work, throwing on some Bach or Beethoven may worth a try. Thats the main conclusion of an experiment on British workers that found listening to classical music at work can improve productivity by...

  • 11种方法缓解压力

    19-08-20 1. Chew gum. Strange as it may seem, chewing gum -- not to mention the fun of popping bubbles -- has been shown to improve reported mood as well as lower cortisol levels. 2. Surround yourself with plants. Immersing yourself in nature can make you fe...

  • 向乐队再聚首“不可避免”

    19-05-08 Louis Tomlinson says boy band One Direction definitely isnt done for good. 路易斯汤姆林森表示,男团单向乐队肯定不会永远解散。 We owe the fans, right? They deserve for us to get back together one day, absolutely, he said. When that will happen, I don...

  • 郎朗与广州交响乐团在沙特举办音乐会

    19-01-21 Chinese pianist Lang Lang and the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra gave a music performance for over 500 people at the Winter at Tantora festival held in a UNESCO world heritage site in Saudi Arabia. 沙特世界文化遗产地欧拉举办的坦图拉之冬艺术节,中国钢...

  • 美国文化偶像艾瑞莎·富兰克林辞世

    18-08-20 U.S. cultural icon Arethra Franklin died on Thursday at her home in Detroit, Michigan, at age 76. 美国文化偶像艾瑞莎富兰克林上周四在位于密歇根底特律的家中辞世,享年76岁。 Americans called her the Queen of Soul, and U.S. music industry magazine Billb...

  • 关于手机礼节 最好避免这五件事

    18-08-12 1. Talk on the phone at mealtimes An absolute no-no for most (81%) of us - yet half of us have been with others whove done it. And more than a quarter (26%) of young adults admit to it. They should always be off and out of sight during meals, meetin...

  • 百度与上海音乐学院签署合作协议

    18-06-27 Lovers of Chinese classical music will be able to enjoy a wide variety of works never available online before thanks to an agreement signed on Monday between Baidu music and the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. 百度音乐与上海音乐学院周一签署一份协议...