11-04-24 If you struggle to remember names and numbers or frequently fail to follow the plot of a film, help could be at hand. 如果你总是想不起别人的名字,总忘记数字,或者常常跟不上电影剧情,那就来看看科学家的建议吧。 Scientists say the problem is that you k...
10-12-27 Most people often dream at night. When they wake in the morning they say to themselves, What a strange dream I had! I wonder what made me dream that. Sometimes dreams are frightening. Sometimes, in dreams, wishes come true. At other times we are tro...
10-11-12 People spend 46.9 percent of their waking hours thinking about something other than what they're doing, and this mind-wandering typically makes them unhappy. So says a study that used an iPhone web app to gather 250,000 data points on subjects' thou...
10-09-30 Ever had the feeling that your partner has the power to read your mind? Well you may not be imagining it. 你有没有过这样的想法,觉得你的伴侣能够看穿你的心思?其实,的确是这样的,你没有在瞎想。 Scientists have found that some couples are so in tune(...
10-05-26 On Changes Irene Dunlap Change is the only absolute in the world, the only thing that you can depend on. Nothing stays the same. Tomorrow will come, bringing with it new beginnings and sometimes unexpected endings. You can hold on to the past and ge...
10-02-04 Scientists have been able to reach into the mind of a brain-damaged man and communicate with his thoughts. 科学家已经能够深入大脑受损病人的思想并与之交流。 The research, carried out at in the UK and in Belgium, involved a new brain scanning method....
10-01-05 Women's minds and genitals生殖器 respond differently to sexual arousal性冲动,性兴奋, whereas in men, the responses of the body and mind are more in tune with each other, according to Assistant Professor Meredith Chivers, from Queen's University in...
09-11-03 我们能让这世界变得更美好么?这句话本身就是一个错误的假设,认为这世界不好。反过来,我们应该说世界就是这样的,没有什么绝对的好与不好。这是我们选择的生活方式,也是我们喜欢的生活方式。换个角度看待事物:接受并试着理解。接受这世界,你会快乐。 There is not...
09-11-03 集美貌与智慧于一身的人不计其数、富裕之人随处可见、名望之人也不在少数。但是内心平静是上帝对他的眷顾者的恩赐,是对他的偏爱者的最荣耀的奖赏,他从不慷慨给予。绝大多数人无缘此殊荣;另外的等待了一辈子直到鬓发斑白,终于如愿以偿。 Joshua Loth Liebman On my...
09-08-10 Radiotherapy used to treat brain tumours may lead to a decline in mental function many years down the line, say Dutch researchers. 荷兰研究人员称,用于治疗脑瘤的放射线疗法可能导致若干年后心理功能的衰弱。 Radiotherapy is a common treatment for brain...