• social media check 社交媒体审查

    17-04-25 The Trump administration is moving to expand social media checks to cover Chinese citizens traveling to the US. 特朗普政府计划将社交媒体审查扩大至赴美的中国公民。 US Customs and Border Protection officials are proposing to ask Chinese visitors to di...

  • 使用社交媒体的一些坏习惯

    17-02-21 一头栽进手机,不理别人 When a friend or loved one wants to show you something on television or play you a track, they probably mean for you to engage in the experience rather than focus on your phone or tablet. Its distracting and a little upsetting...

  • 赴美旅游将需提交社交媒体信息

    16-12-30 The US government has begun asking select foreign travelers to disclose their social media activities as part of an expanded effort to spot potential terrorist threats. 美政府加大排查潜在恐怖威胁力度,已要求部分外国游客公开他们的社交媒体活动信息。 T...

  • 35.8%微信用户想注销账户

    16-07-28 In a world saturated with social media, out lives have lost certain dimensions and become immersed in cyberspace. 在这个社交媒体过度饱和的世界,我们的生活已经失去某些维度,湮没与网络空间中。 Face-to-face interactions have lessened, and sending, repl...

  • 《康熙来了》最后一期将于今晚播出

    16-01-14 The very last episode of the Taiwan comedy talk show Kangxi lai le will be aired tonight, marking the official end of its popular 12-year run. 台湾喜剧脱口秀《康熙来了》最后一期将于今晚播出,标准着这个流行了12年的节目的正式终结。 In this last episod...

  • 世界上最逼真的人形机器人在新加坡亮相

    16-01-09 The world's most human-like robot has begun work as a university receptionist as scientists predict the new technology will eventually provide childcare and offer friendship to lonely elderly people. 世界上最逼真的人形机器人纳丁已经开始了她作为大学...

  • social notworking 社交不工作

    15-12-08 Social notworking refers to the practice of spending time unproductively on social-networking websites, especially when one should be working. Social notworking(暂译为社交不工作)指在工作时间上社交网站闲逛的行为。 With today's social media -- espec...

  • 社交网络是神经学家研究取材的宝藏

    15-11-19 Because social media is used so pervasively in modern society to tap into people's behaviors and thoughts, neuroscientists are finding Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms to be very useful tools in a broad range of research areas. A review publis...

  • social media narcissist 社交媒体自恋狂

    15-11-18 Social media narcissist refers to people who're curating social media images of themselves. 社交媒体自恋狂是指迷恋上存在于社交媒体中虚幻自己的人。 One of the most common refrains about the explosive growth of social media is that it makes many of us...

  • 中俄将加强媒体合作

    15-06-26 The China-Russia Media Forum is focusing on how to improve international communication in the era of all media. 中俄媒体论坛致力于提高全媒体时代下的国际交流。 Participants will also discuss the media's role in promoting the integration of the two co...