• 范冰冰李晨一起出现于西藏

    15-06-02 Popular Chinese actress Fan Bingbing and actor Li Chen have been seen in Tibet together, their first public appearance since they admitted dating last week. 中国著名女演员范冰冰与男演员李晨一起出现在西藏,这是上周他们公开恋情之后的首次公开露面。 Pho...

  • 社交媒体成为新的婚姻雷区

    15-05-08 One in seven married individuals have considered divorce because of their spouse's postings of Facebook or other online sites, according to research. 根据研究,七分之一的已婚人士曾因配偶发在脸书或其他网站上的帖子考虑过离婚。 A similar proportion adm...

  • 更好的社交媒体技术能提高用户兴趣

    15-04-23 Due to the ever-increasing number of people using social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, businesses and organizations, such as professional sports teams, are expanding their marketing and communication efforts to engage people with their b...

  • 2015两会代表精彩语录3

    15-03-10 The entertainment community should condemn any performer who uses drugs. A number of famous actors and singers were found to have taken drugs last year, and such behavior has a bad effect on them and the entertainment community. Entertainers should...

  • 社交媒体数据包含理解人类行为的陷阱

    14-12-30 A growing number of academic researchers are mining social media data to learn about both online and offline human behavior. In recent years, studies have claimed the ability to predict everything from summer blockbusters to fluctuations in the stoc...

  • 青少年在社交网络上很少“表示自我”

    14-11-07 Social media just isn't real. 社交网络是不真实的。 Yes, you thought that everyone was just being themselves, but teens, those extrasensory beings, are fed up with all the flimflam and fluff that's all over their Twitters and Facebooks. I take this i...

  • 科技如何影响人们之间的交流

    14-10-18 毫无疑问,科技正在改变我们的生活。但我们是否能意识到它在我们生活中的存在,以及它是如何影响我们和至亲的人之间的交流吗? It is now an uncontested fact that technology is pervasive throughout our lives. But how often do we assess its presence in our re...

  • friendvertising 朋友圈营销

    14-08-28 Friendvertising is the use of social media website 'friends' to disseminate video adverts for products. Some videos have an apparently good message that people want to share and others are heart-warming or funny, but all are covert brand endorsement...

  • Friendscaping 好友精简

    14-08-14 Friendscaping is the act of trimming ones friends lists in various social media sites. 好友精简就是把各个社交网站上的好友名单进行清理压缩。 Example: Did you unfriend me? Yeah, I was friendscaping, and you bore me. 你是不是把我从好友列表里删除了? 没...

  • 陈光标在美国邀请弱势人群吃慈善午餐

    14-06-23 Eccentric Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao took out a full-page bilingual advertisement in the New York Times, inviting underprivileged Americans to a charity lunch and offering cash handouts. 中国大亨陈光标在纽约时报刊登整版双语广告,邀请美国弱势人群...