• 电影的网络营销

    14-05-26 Word-of-mouth marketing is recognized as a powerful route from long-tail sales to blockbuster(轰动) , whether one is talking about the latest fishy ice cream flavor or a Hollywood romantic comedy. In the age of social media and online networking s...

  • hyper-documentation 超级生活记录

    14-05-26 Hyper-documentation refers to the exhaustive and incessant recording of the details and events of one's life, particularly when these are shared on social media. Hyper-documentation指详尽且不间断地记录生活中的各种细节和活动,尤其当这些细节被分享到社...

  • brand name-dropping 拽名牌

    14-01-16 Brand name-dropping describes the situation where someone attempts to impress others by frequently mentioning the brand names of goods that one owns, it is usually regarded negatively. Brand name-dropping指有人在别人面前频繁提及自己拥有的名牌物品,...

  • media meshing 媒体结合

    14-01-16 Media meshing is the activity of using hand-held electronic devices (e.g. mobile phones, tablet computers) to make comments or read about a TV program at the same time as watching it. Media meshing指拿着手机或平板电脑等掌中设备,一边看电视节目,一边...

  • fifteen minutes of fame 15分钟名气

    13-07-08 Fifteen minutes of fame is short-lived media publicity or celebrity of an individual or phenomenon. The expression was coined by Andy Warhol, who said in 1968 that In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes of fame...

  • 2013两会精彩语录英译5

    13-03-10 ZHANG LIJUN, member of the CPPCC National Committee and former vice-minister of environmental protection There are ways to control air (pollution), but we need stronger determination to control it. 治理空气,现在办法是有的,关键是看下多大决心。 ZHAO...

  • Legacy media 传统媒体

    13-02-27 Legacy media is the media that is considered old, such as radio, television, and especially newspapers. With legacy media, the receiver does not contribute or interact with the content and remains totally passive. Legacy media指收音机、电视,及尤以...

  • 印度前财政部长穆克吉当选新总统

    12-07-23 India's media has applauded the election of former finance minister Pranab Mukherjee as the new president. 印度媒体欢庆前财政部长穆克吉当选新总统。 Pranab Mukherjee's win has not come as a surprise The newspapers, however, said the ruling Congress p...

  • 卡梅伦将接受调查小组盘问

    12-06-14 Prime Minister David Cameron will face a full day of questioning in front of the Leveson Inquiry on Thursday. 英国首相大卫卡梅伦本周四将接受莱维森调查小组一整天的询问。 The media ethics inquiry is expected to focus on his relationship with figures i...

  • 《科尼2012》制作人杰森裸奔缓解压力

    12-03-24 前段时间在网络上疯传的视频《科尼2012》的制作人杰森鲁塞尔上周四因在道路上裸奔并扰乱交通而被圣地亚哥警方拘留,后被送往医院。杰森的妻子表示,他的此番行为并不是酒精或药物作用,而是因为那段30分钟的视频引起了太多关注,同时也引发了众多针对他个人的攻击,杰...