12-02-23 The words tweeted by a passenger on high-speed train D301 on July 23 were clearly a cry for help. But they also initiated a wave of unprecedented citizen journalism on China's Twitter-like micro blogs。 7月23日D301动车上的一名乘客发布的微博无疑是呼...
11-11-30 We live in the era of We-Media, which means everyone can create new words and make them popular through BBS or micro blogs, said Li Yuming, the director of the department of language information administration under the Ministry of Education and vic...
11-08-21 The New York Police Department announced it will form a new unit to search social media as part of its law enforcement efforts, responding to the criminals growing use of these sites to plan and celebrate illegal exploits. 随着社交媒体的流行,犯罪者...
11-03-12 Young Britons have taken to a new television and social media trend which could have far-reaching consequences for the worlds of broadcasting and advertising, according to a new study. 最新调查显示,英国年轻人热捧新电视和社交媒体,这将对广播电视业和...
11-02-08 2011年美国职业橄榄球超级碗已进入到了最后的倒计时,匹兹堡钢人队将与绿湾包装工队上演巅峰对决,争夺第45届超级碗冠军。 The week of hype and glitz building up to the Super Bowl is attracting plenty of celebrities to Texas and many are offering the public...
10-06-25 网络原本是捕捉主流媒体遗漏的信息,传达大众声音的一种非传统媒体,但是随着网络的快速发展和网民数量的大量增加,网络也成了新时代的一种重要媒体,其影响力丝毫不亚于主流媒体。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Traditional mainstream media , including State-owned ne...
10-06-10 在电脑已经相当普及的这个时代,越来越多的人每天的大部分时间都是在屏幕前面度过的,无论是工作还是生活。下班关电脑,回家开电视,可能同时还要开电脑。很多人不敢想象有一天没有了这些屏幕,他们的生活会是怎样。于是, videophilia 现象就诞生了。 Videophilia ref...
10-03-19 自去年12月份的泼墨门事件以来,章子怡一直被各种责难缠身。经过两个多月的沉默,章子怡于 3月12日凌晨接受《中国日报》独家专访,详细回答捐款风波中网友提出的各种质疑。 Celebrity actress Zhang Ziyi admits she lacked experience in handling charity donations...
10-03-06 A year in the making, the redesigned China Daily makes its debut on March 1 the biggest revamp in its 29-year history. The new China Daily has a cosmopolitan and sophisticated look to go with its rich content and its unique status as the countrys na...
09-08-19 Afghanistan has called on domestic and foreign media not to cover any violence on the day of the presidential election in case such reports scare away voters. 阿富汗呼吁国内国外媒体不要报道总统选举当天的任何暴力事件以免吓跑投票人。 Afghanistan's med...