• 调查:全球74%成人愿接种新冠疫苗

    20-09-03 Around 74% of adults globally are willing to get immunized against the coronavirus if a vaccine became available -- but that may not be enough to defeat the fast-spreading virus, according to a survey released Tuesday. 9月1日发布的一项调查称,如果能...

  • capital market reform 资本市场改革

    20-02-12 12月28日,十三届全国人大常委会第十五次会议表决通过了修订后的《中华人民共和国证券法》(下称新证券法)。这是我国资本市场改革进程中的一大里程碑。新证券法将于2020年3月1日起正式施行,内容分十四章,对证券发行、证券交易、上市公司收购、信息披露、投资者保护...

  • 中国品牌引领印度智能手机市场

    20-02-11 Chinese smartphone makers held at least 73.6 percent of Indias smartphone market in the fourth quarter of 2019, extending their dominance, according to a report by global market intelligence firm IDC. 全球市场情报公司IDC的一份报告显示,2019年第四季...

  • 中国传音手机领先非洲市场

    19-08-30 Chinese Smartphone manufacturer Transsion has outpaced Samsung and Apple in African market as it leads in shipment terms in the second quarter of 2019, according to the latest study released by a global research firm. 一家国际研究公司公布的最新数据...

  • 福特将在南京建研发运营中心

    19-08-13 Ford Motor company will set up its product RD center and China operations center in Nanjing, capital of eastern Jiangsu Province, according to the municipal government. 福特汽车将在江苏南京设立产品研发中心以及中国运营中心。 The two centers will be t...

  • 2/3中国读者愿为网络出版物买单

    19-08-06 A recent report on Chinas digital reading market shows that a total of 432 million Chinese people read digital publications in 2018, and over 60 percent of them would pay for reading digital materials including e-books, e-magazines and e-papers. 最...

  • 瑞幸咖啡将开发大中东和印度市场

    19-07-23 Chinese coffee chain brand Luckin Coffee has set its sight on global expansion by planning businesses in the Greater Middle East and India markets via a partnership. 中国咖啡连锁品牌瑞幸咖啡计划通过合作拓展大中东和印度市...

  • 中国科创板开始上市交易

    19-07-22 Chinas sci-tech innovation board (STAR market) started trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Monday morning, with the first batch of 25 companies debuting on the board. 中国科创板周一上午在上海股票交易中心开始交易,首批挂牌交易的企业有25家。 Establ...

  • 北京欲在就业市场防止性别歧视

    19-06-28 The Beijing municipal government has stated that employers cannot set birth-related preconditions to recruit women, in an attempt to offer fair opportunities for women seeking jobs. 北京市政府作出规定,用人单位在招聘女性员工的时候不能设置生孩子相关...

  • 上海将停用一次性餐具

    19-06-24 Catering services in Shanghai will stop offering disposable utensils to customers starting next month. 上海的餐饮业从下个月开始将停止供应一次性餐具。 According to Shanghai market regulators, starting from July 1, restaurants and food delivery servic...