• 基因改造蚊子可能成为对抗疟疾的“飞行接种员”

    10-03-21 Mosquitoes transmit infectious diseases to millions of people every year, including malaria(疟疾) for which there is no effective vaccine. New research published in Insect Molecular Biology reveals that mosquito genetic engineering may turn the tr...

  • 研究:使用氯喹治疗乳腺癌

    10-03-03 Can a drug that has been used to treat malaria(疟疾,瘴气) for years possibly be used to treat breast cancer before it becomes invasive? That's what researchers at George Mason University's Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine (CAP...

  • 调查:非洲的疟疾治疗药物整体“品质低劣”

    10-02-09 Africans suffering from malaria may be getting sub-standard treatment, a study by US-based experts has suggested. 一组美国科学家经过研究得出结论,遭受疟疾之苦的非洲人可能接受着非正规的治疗。 The experts say their research threw up a disturbing trend...

  • 丹麦科学家在预防遗传性疟疾的研究中取得重大突破

    10-02-05 Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have become the first in the world to synthesize合成,综合 the entire protein that is responsible for life-threatening malaria疟疾,瘴气 in pregnant women and their unborn children. The protein known as VA...

  • 疟疾疫苗有望三年内问世

    10-01-26 Microsoft founder Bill Gates has told the BBC that a vaccine for malaria could be just three years away. 微软创始人比尔盖茨向BBC透露,疟疾疫苗有望在三年内研制成功。 Half the world's population is exposed to malaria Mr Gates is a key campaigner again...

  • 猩猩身上首次发现恶性疟疾

    10-01-19 The parasite which causes malignant malaria in humans has been identified in gorillas for the first time. 科学家在大猩猩身上首次发现存在于人类当中、可以引起恶性疟疾的寄生虫。 The malaria parasite was found in a sample from the cross river gorillla R...

  • 基因研究有助于抗疟疾植物增加产量

    10-01-15 Global supply of a key, plant-based, anti-malaria drug is set to be boosted by a genetic study, scientists say. 科学家称,全球供应一种关键的、植物提取的抗疟疾药物因一项基因研究而成为可能。 Scientists say they can boost supply of the key anti-malaria...

  • 干预蚊子交配以阻止疟疾传播

    09-12-23 Scientists believe it may be possible to combat malaria by interfering with the sex lives of the mosquitoes which spread the disease. 科学家相信通过干涉传播疟疾的蚊子的交配过程就可能战胜疟疾。 Anopheles mosquitoes spread malaria They have shown that...

  • 科学家发现疟原虫瞒骗人类免疫系统的方式

    09-12-01 Malaria parasites(疟原虫) are able to disguise(假装,伪装) themselves to avoid the host's immune system, according to research funded by the Wellcome Trust and published today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Malar...

  • 'Proof' malaria began in chimps 疟疾始于黑猩猩“证据”找到

    09-08-04 Scientists say they have genetic proof malaria spread by mosquitoes jumped species from chimpanzees to humans. 科学家称他们已经找到遗传证据证明通过蚊子传播的疟疾可以从黑猩猩跳跃物种到人身上。 A chimp from the Mfou National Park in Cameroon By lookin...