• 英国科学家研发出有望“改变世界”的新疟疾疫苗

    22-11-28 英国牛津大学的科学家们已经研发出一种有望 改变世界 的疟疾疫苗。该团队表示,初期试验结果显示此疫苗对疟疾有80%的保护,他们希望能在明年推出此疫苗。 It looks increasingly likely that Oxford Universitys malaria jab is the real deal. A highly effective vac...

  • 为什么被叮的总是我?

    21-08-02 今年夏天,你已经收到几个红包了?你是那个集万千蚊子宠爱于一身的人吗? 你可能会想:为什么被叮的总是我?难道我就是传说中蚊子最爱的血型吗?相信很多人都会有这样的疑问。 蚊子能辨别血型 假的! 其实蚊子并不会在百米之外,就隔空辨识血型。 Why do mosquitoes pr...

  • 中国正式获得世卫组织消除疟疾认证

    21-06-30 6月30日,世界卫生组织发布新闻公报称,中国正式获得世卫组织消除疟疾认证。公报称,中国疟疾感染病例由上世纪40年代的3000万减少至零,是一项了不起的壮举。 Following a 70-year effort, China has been awarded a malaria-free certification from WHO a notable fe...

  • 研究人员担忧疟疾疫情再起

    21-04-07 全球疟疾病例总数在十年来首次停止下降,这让研究人员们对这种会致命的疾病再度流行的可能性表示担忧。 There have been dramatic successes in combating malaria over the past 20 years. The number of cases has dropped by 60 per cent and six countries have el...

  • 解决青蒿素耐药性问题取得重大突破

    19-06-17 Nobel Laureate Tu Youyou announced Monday that her team has proposed solutions to the problem of artemisinin resistance, giving new proofs that artemisinin is still the best weapon against malaria. 诺贝尔奖得主屠呦呦周一宣布,她的团队提出青蒿素抗药...

  • 中国发现大规模生产青蒿素新方法

    19-05-13 Chinese researchers have developed a new technology to produce artemisinin. 中国科研人员发现一种生产青蒿素的新方法。 Sweet wormwood was used in ancient Chinese therapy to treat various illnesses, including fevers typical of malaria. Nearly five deca...

  • 世界首批疟疾疫苗在马拉维投入使用

    19-04-24 The worlds first and only malaria vaccine was launched in the African country of Malawi on Tuesday. 世界上第一批且是唯一一批疟疾疫苗周二在非洲马拉维投入使用。 Thirty years in the making, RTS,S is the first and to date the only vaccine that has demon...