• 比尔·盖茨斥资400万美元研发“杀手蚊”

    18-07-03 Microsoft founder Bill Gates is pouring $4 million into a project to create killer mosquitoes that destroy each other through sex. 微软创始人比尔盖茨将投资400万美元(约合2654万元人民币),用以培育能够在交配中杀死对方的杀手蚊。 Its a bold bid to curb...

  • 中国抗疟药治愈3亿非洲人

    18-04-18 China has aided African countries with 50 million batches of the anti-malaria drug artemisinin, which have cured over 300 million Africans suffering from malaria, according to Chinas Ministry of Commerce. 中国商务部表示,中国已援助非洲国家5000万批抗...

  • 为何疟疾疫苗只对儿童婴儿有效

    15-10-27 Using new, highly sensitive genomic sequencing technology, an international team of researchers has found new biological evidence to help explain why the malaria vaccine candidate RTS,S/AS01 (called RTS,S) provided only moderate protection among vac...

  • 《柳叶刀》公布RTS,S/AS01疟疾疫苗临床试验结果

    15-04-28 The first malaria vaccine candidate (RTS,S/AS01) to reach phase 3 clinical testing is partially effective against clinical disease in young African children up to 4 years after vaccination, according to final trial data, published in The Lancet. The...

  • 科学家发现捕获杀灭疟原虫的方法

    14-07-19 Scientists may be able to entomb(埋葬) the malaria parasite in a prison of its own making, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis report July 16 in Nature. As it invades a red blood cell, the malaria parasite takes pa...

  • 某蛋白质可能引领疟疾疫苗的研发

    14-05-26 Rhode Island Hospital researchers have discovered a protein that is essential for malaria-causing parasites to escape from inside red blood cells. Antibodies to this protein trap the parasite inside these red blood cells. This protein could lead to...

  • 螺旋孢子虫是由绿藻进化而来

    14-05-10 A genomic investigation by University of British Columbia researchers has revealed that a lethal parasite infecting a wide range of insects actually originated from pond scum(绿藻类层) , but has completely shed its green past on its evolutionary j...

  • 温度升高会加速疟疾的传播

    14-03-10 Researchers have debated for more than two decades the likely impacts, if any, of global warming on the worldwide incidence of malaria(疟疾) , a mosquito-borne disease that infects more than 300 million people each year. Now, University of Michiga...

  • 疟疾疫苗有望2015年问世

    13-10-09 British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline is seeking regulatory approval for the world's first malaria vaccine after trial data showed that it had cut the number of cases in African children. 英国制药公司葛兰素史克正在寻求管理机构批准生产世界上首款疟疾疫苗...

  • 乍得疟疾患者数量猛增

    13-09-05 An emergency operation is under way in the Salamat region of Chad after an alarming rise in cases of malaria. 乍得萨拉马地区疟疾患者数量令人担忧,一场紧急行动正在开展。 Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said the number of reported new cases rose from 1...