• 科学家破译30亿年前的化石基因

    10-12-20 About 580 million years ago, life on Earth began a rapid period of change called the Cambrian(寒武纪) Explosion, a period defined by the birth of new life forms over many millions of years that ultimately helped bring about the modern diversity of...

  • Happiness is a journey

    10-12-17 We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are. After that we're frustrated that we have teenagers...

  • 英国青少年更关心家庭价值观

    10-12-12 Teenagers would rather be taught about family values than about sex, a survey has found. 一项调查发现,英国青少年更想多学习一些有关家庭价值观的知识而非性知识。 They see the responsibilities of being a parent as the number one fact of life ahead of s...

  • 娱乐界名人关博客筹集艾滋善款

    10-12-04 艾莉西亚凯斯、Lady Gaga、亚瑟小子等美国娱乐界名人计划在世界艾滋病日当天开始暂时关闭自己的Twitter、Facebook等社交网站账号,直到慈善活动募集到一百万美元的善款之后,所有参与者的账户才会再次开放。 Alicia Keys poses in a coffin for a World AIDS Day to sa...

  • 热量促进了原始生命的进化

    10-12-03 There has been controversy about whether life originated in a hot or cold environment, and about whether enough time has elapsed(消逝) for life to have evolved to its present complexity. But new research at the University of North Carolina at Chap...

  • 美教授将在后脑勺中植入“第三只眼”

    10-11-27 美国纽约大学摄影系伊拉克裔教授瓦法比拉尔将通过手术在自己的后脑勺中植入一个拇指大小的摄像头,每隔一分钟拍摄一张照片。 A New York University arts professor might not have eyes on the back of his head, but he's coming pretty close. Wafaa Bilal, a visua...

  • 全球卫生官员呼吁禁用烟草添加剂

    10-11-22 A conference on tobacco held in Uruguay has recommended that additives used to make cigarettes more appealing to new smokers should be restricted or banned. 乌拉圭举办的一场烟草研讨会上建议限制或禁止烟草添加剂的使用,据悉烟草添加剂可以使新烟民更易上...

  • The Life I Pursued

    10-11-22 That must be the story of innumerable couples, and the pattern of life it offers has a homely grace. It reminds you of a placid(平静的,温和的) rivulet(小溪,小河) , meandering(漫步) smoothly through green pastures and shaded by pleasant trees...

  • 挪威生活品质居全球首位

    10-11-06 Oil-rich Norway remains the best country in the world to live in, while Zimbabwe, afflicted by economic crisis and AIDS, is the least desirable, according to an annual U.N. rating released on Thursday. 联合国本周四发布人类发展指数年度排行榜,富产石...

  • Raccoons

    10-10-29 Part of my job at the state fish and wildlife department is to lend equipment to residents for trapping and relocating raccoons. A man who had been successful at capturing one of the animals called to ask whether raccoons mated(成双的) for life. H...