• 骨伤可显著降低女性的生活质量

    10-08-03 Researchers seeking to understand the impact of osteoporosis(骨质疏松症) and fractures on various aspects of health have found that women who had previous fractures experienced a significant reduction in health-related quality of life similar to o...

  • 更多的母爱有助孩子未来的成长

    10-07-31 Babies given more love and affection by their mothers deal better with stress and anxiety when they grow up, research has shown. 研究显示,婴儿时期得到更多母爱的孩子长大后能更好地应对压力和焦虑情绪。 The study looked at eight-month-old children - me...

  • 火星上某处可能存有古生物化石

    10-07-30 Researchers have identified rocks that they say could contain the fossilised remains of life on early Mars. 研究人员在火星上发现一些岩石,称这些岩石很可能藏有早期火星生命的化石。 Scientists believe life could have existed on Mars almost four billion...

  • 拉美地区肥胖率上升导致残疾发病率增加

    10-07-28 Thanks to rising obesity rates in Latin America and the Caribbean, elderly people there are becoming more likely to suffer from disabilities, according to a paper recently published by University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston researchers in t...

  • 社会关系状况可影响到人的生存率

    10-07-28 Individuals with adequate social relationships have a 50% greater likelihood(可能性) of survival compared to those with poor or insufficient social relationships. The magnitude(大小,量级) of this effect is comparable with stopping smoking and e...

  • 英国单身族生活支出多快乐少

    10-07-25 身为单身族,不用花心思取悦另一半,更不用为孩子的吃穿发愁,他们的生活支出应该比已婚(伴侣)族要少。可是,英国最近的一项研究发现,单身族一生的生活支出要比已婚(伴侣)族多出25万英镑,而从生活中得到的欢乐却比已婚(伴侣)族少。 With no spouse to entertai...

  • Paddy 帕蒂

    10-07-19 Paddy There was a small boy who had been given a little terrier for his very own, on which he bestowed the name of Paddy, and loved mightily. He was very saddened by the fact that he could not take his pet away with him on his holidays, which he was...

  • 奥巴马痛斥恐怖组织罪行

    10-07-15 Terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and al-Shabab do not think African life is valuable, President Obama has said in response to the Uganda bombings. 美国总统奥巴马对乌干达爆炸案做出回应,称诸如基地组织与阿尔沙巴布之类的恐怖组织是不会认为非洲人们的生命是...

  • Supernatural turtle

    10-07-15 During the 1850's, there was a lot of unrest in Taiwan, so the Emperor sent Xu Shuyan with soldiers to calm everything down. Tang Yian was sent along with him. Tang was anxious to find out how things were with his little brother, Tang Shengan, who w...

  • 健康的思想能造就一个健康的体魄

    10-07-09 Happier youths are also healthier youths, according to Emily Shaffer-Hudkins and her team, from the University of South Florida in the US. Adolescents' positive emotions and moods, as well as their satisfaction with life, could be more important tha...